
canada post, union meet with mediator, remain 'far apart' as strike drags on

representatives from canada post and the postal workers union sat down with a special mediator but seem no closer to reaching a deal as a countrywide strike entered its fifth day on tuesday.

canada post, union sit down with mediator, still 'far apart'
striking canada post workers picket near the post office on wellington road north of commissioners road in london on monday november 18, 2024. (derek ruttan/the london free press)
representatives from canada post and the postal workers union sat down with a special mediator but seem no closer to reaching a deal as a countrywide strike entered its fifth day on tuesday. in a statement, canada post said the parties “remain far apart” but that the crown corporation continues to aim for a deal hammered out at the bargaining table.
about 55,000 employees represented by the canadian union of postal workers walked off the job on friday, shutting down operations and halting deliveries as the busy holiday season kicks off.
a day earlier, the government appointed its top mediator to help both sides reach a new contract agreement.
the union is calling for a cumulative wage hike of 24 per cent over four years, while canada post has offered an 11.5 per cent increase.
other wedge issues include job security, benefits and contract work for parcel delivery on weekends.
as the strike loomed, the liberal government in ottawa signalled that it was not planning to intervene to end the labour impasse, even though the two sides appeared to be far apart and the strike arrived at the busiest time of year for the postal service.
“i’m not looking at any other solution other than negotiation right now,” labour minister steve mackinnon told reporters in montreal on the strike’s first day, last friday. “every day is a new day in collective bargaining and we are going to support the parties in any way we can and try to get a negotiated agreement.”
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santo ligotti from the retail council of canada has said the work stoppage “couldn’t come at a worse time” with the retail supply chain really “taking a beating” after the recent rail and port disruptions. not to mention, christmas and black friday are just around the corner


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