
covid-19 cases, deaths continue slow climb

ottawa public health on wednesday reported five more de...

weekly covid numbers rise again
covid levels rising again errol mcgihon / postmedia
ottawa public health on wednesday reported five more deaths due to covid-19, as well as 211 new cases over the seven days ending monday. the new data brings the total number of deaths to 1,133, while 94,699 cases of covid-19 have been registered since the pandemic began.
oph reported there are 60 confirmed patients admitted to ottawa hospital due to covid-19 as of tuesday, while 67 other patients with covid-19 were admitted for other issues, one of them in icu.
the agency reported 14 new outbreaks in institutional settings, with 31 ongoing outbreaks.
the rate of covid-19 infection per 100,000 people reported in the previous seven days was 20.2 per cent.
 covid-19 numbers for ottawa nov. 7, 2023
covid-19 numbers for ottawa nov. 7, 2023 ottawa public health


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