ottawa and eastern ontario are in the midst of a summer spike of covid-19, with higher wastewater readings and hospitalization rates than at any time since last winter, according to updated information from public health sources.
in its weekly respiratory and enteric surveillance dashboard, ottawa public health reported very high and rising levels of the virus causing covid-19 in wastewater. public health ontario, which publishes weekly charts mapping wastewater readings, showed a steep spike in eastern ontario in recent days with levels higher than they were during the covid-19 wave last winter.
in ottawa, covid-related hospitalizations have also reached levels not seen since last winter. in the past week, 22 people were admitted to hospital because of covid-19 and there were 12 new covid-19 outbreaks in long-term care and retirement homes as well as hospitals. there are a total of 63 people hospitalized in ottawa with covid, the majority of them between the ages of 60 and 79, and rates of covid hospitalization in the city are the highest since last winter.
more than 17 per cent of people tested were positive for covid-19.
ottawa’s spike reflects rising covid-19 rates around the globe in recent months, with cases increasing across north america more recently. wastewater readings in eastern ontario are higher than in other parts of the province, public health ontario says. the surge is being driven by highly contagious new variants.