
ford pledges tough new legislation to dismantle homeless encampments

and ontario's premier vows to use the notwithstanding clause if necessary

ontario premier doug ford says new legislation is coming that will target homeless encampments across the province, and he’s pledging to use the notwithstanding clause if necessary. ford has told 12 mayors who asked him for tougher laws on encampments that the province will provide the tools to help municipalities clear encampments and crack down on public drug use.
homelessness and encampments have risen dramatically under ford’s term, with tent cities popping up in municipalities small and large throughout ontario.
ford also pledged increased funding to create more shelter space.
ford says he does not expect to use the controversial legislative tool known as the notwithstanding clause that would override the canadian charter of rights and freedoms.
but he threatened to use the tool if courts “interfere” with clearing encampments.
the canadian press
the canadian press
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