the city has a few options to deal with geese, which breed and spend winters in windsor because of its mild climate, the report said. it can conduct “habitat management,” creating more naturalized areas with longer grass to deter geese from gathering. but letting grass grow longer would mean fewer grassy areas for the public to enjoy during warmer months.
the city could remove or sterilize eggs with oil; “haze” geese with lights, lasers, trained dogs, and pyrotechnics; or round up and relocate geese — but those options all require permits from canadian wildlife services.
canada geese enjoy a muddy patch along a riverfront trail near the ambassador bridge in windsor on wednesday, sept. 4, 2024.
dan janisse
windsor star
at gignac’s request, the committee asked city staff to report back on “the best initial step” toward geese population management.
in january, gignac asked administration to report back on options, including a cull, to control windsor’s canada goose population. at the time, gignac said the fowl population was “becoming a dangerous hazard” and was causing personal injury and vehicle accidents.
whether or not a permit to cull geese is granted, the recent staff report said, depends on the location, the number of geese impacts, and what other mitigation measures have already been explored.
“it is not likely a permit would be granted without first trying other management/removal techniques that are listed in this report,” the document said.