
gun-toting bandit sought for pickering pot shop heist

the unidentified man stole an undisclosed amount of cannabis products and cash

an unidentified man is sought for a gunpoint robbery at a pickering pot shop last week.
durham regional police say the armed robbery occurred at a cannabis dispensary near liverpool rd. and krosno blvd. — south of bayly st. — around 9:30 p.m. on aug. 16.
“a male entered the business and pointed a handgun at an employee before assaulting her and demanding cash,” const. nicholas gluckstein said in a statement released wednesday.
he said the robber stole “numerous products and cash,” and then fled the area before officers arrived.
the employee was not physically injured.
cops are looking for a man described as 18 to 25 years old, about 6-foot-2, with a slim build. he was wearing a mask, black hooded sweater, light-coloured pants and black shoes at the time of the robbery.
anyone with information about this incident, the suspects or suspect vehicle, or who has cellphone, dashcam or security camera video that could help investigators, is urged to call the robbery unit at 1-888-579-1520, ext. 5355, or crime stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-tips (8477).
chris doucette
chris doucette

chris doucette is an award-winning journalist and assistant city editor at the toronto sun. born and raised in toronto, he is a canadian armed forces veteran who has worked at the sun since graduating from print journalism at centennial college in 2002. he has spent much of his career covering crime in the city and abroad, but he also occasionally writes about the military, mma (mixed martial arts) and travel.

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