
'he wanted a grand entrance': baby marcel is calgary's first born in 2023

the newborn was due on jan. 9 but made his arrival a little early, just in time to make headlines: "i was super surprised," his mother said

baby marcel becomes calgary's first born in 2023
calgary's first baby of 2023, marcel dubuc, was born at rockyview hospital at 12:07 on january 1. ke sandra du quette / handout
minutes after the clock struck midnight, ringing in the new year on the labour and delivery floor at rockyview hospital, ke sandra du quette welcomed the calgary’s first baby of 2023 at 12:07 a.m. — an eight-pound, one-ounce baby boy named marcel.
marcel was due on jan. 9 but made his arrival a little early, just in time to make headlines.
“he wanted to make a grand entrance,” du quette said, laughing.
du quette added labour was “really quick.” the process started around 2:30 p.m. on new years eve and she and marcel’s dad, philippe dubuc, came and went from the hospital before being admitted around 9:30 p.m. and delivering her son in the early minutes of the new year.
marcel has fit perfectly into the family, du quette said, soaking up all the love from mom, dad, his older brother and two older sisters.
 calgary’s first baby of 2023, marcel dubuc, was born at rockyview hospital at 12:07 on january 1.
calgary’s first baby of 2023, marcel dubuc, was born at rockyview hospital at 12:07 on january 1. ke sandra du quette / handout
dubuc, du quette and baby marcel learned from staff that they were the first in calgary shortly after the birth.
“it’s really cool … there was another woman in labour with me and staff joked that ‘it’s on,'” du quette said monday.
“they told us we were the first at rockyview, then they called around to other hospitals in the city and said, ‘yep, you’re the first in calgary.’ i was super surprised.”

“everything has been really great so far, he’s so calm and so peaceful. my toddler is having a bit of a hard time with it, but she’s handling it pretty well. he’s great, he’s such a good sleeper — thank goodness that we get to actually rest. that’s helpful.” 



late last week, alberta health services said it would not be announcing the births of the province’s first new year’s babies due to a spike in respiratory infections taxing the province’s health-care system. 

with files from hamdi issawi 


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