
health unit warns of spike in opioid overdoses last week

this high volume of opioid overdoses is more than twice the historical two- and five-year averages, health officials said, prompting an opioid alert.

more powerful drugs and pandemic-related mental health issues contributed to a sharp rise in opioid-related deaths confirmed by provincial police in southwestern ontario last year. file photo/postmedia network sunmedia
more than a dozen people were treated for opioid overdoses in late december and early january, the windsor-essex county health unit advised tuesday. the health unit said tuesday 13 people were treated in emergency departments for opioid overdoses between dec. 29 and jan. 4, including eight overdoses involving fentanyl. ten of the 13 visits occurred on a single day, jan. 4.
this high volume of opioid overdoses is more than twice the historical two- and five-year averages, health officials said, prompting an opioid alert.
there were also 18 calls to emergency medical personnel for suspected opioid overdoses during the same period, another 10 of which occurred on jan. 4.
health officials, including the windsor regional hospital, essex-windsor ems, erie shores healthcare and windsor police are monitoring the increase in cases.
health officials offer the following tips for anyone using opioids:
  • never use alone
  • use a very small amount first
  • if using with another person, do not use at exactly the same time
  • avoid mixing substances
  • call 911 if something doesn’t feel right
  • have naloxone ready
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