
'it was 10 years of living hell,' former spvm whistleblower says

"there's an assumption (among some high ranking officers in the montreal police) that italians can't work the italians. but i tell them 'listen the cops in italy aren't polish.' you have to understand their culture."

'it was 10 years of living hell,' former spvm whistleblower says
retired montreal police detective pietro poletti in montreal thursday feb. 23, 2017. he was one of the original whistleblowers on what was happening on the force's internal affairs department. john mahoney / montreal gazette
allowing false allegations levelled by fellow officers to fester for years has brought morale among the montreal police as low as it can go, says a now retired detective who was one of the first to blow the whistle on the problem. pietro poletti was relieved and impressed to see his former colleagues, jimmy cacchione and giovanni di feo, came forward in an interview with tva this week to say they were ousted, in 2014, because they were about to inform the public security minister and media about corruption allegations that would have hurt the reputation of then-police chief marc parent and other high-ranking officers. they alleged that the montreal police internal affairs division made up incriminating evidence to discredit them and justify their dismissal.poletti said he is hopeful that something will come out of the investigation montreal police chief philippe pichet requested, by the sûreté du québec, after the interview aired.“it should be a task force with the sq and the rcmp. i think there’s much more seriousness in the rcmp. they are much more professional and they have the means to parachute in other investigators from across the country,” said poletti, who remains in contact with many of his former colleagues. “morale couldn’t be lower. they don’t understand what is going on. the average patrol officer doesn’t know what is going on.”poletti told the montreal gazette on thursday that he also was the victim of false allegations that ruined the last third of his 30-year career with the montreal police. as was mentioned in the introduction to tva’s story tuesday night, things appeared to become worse for whistle blowers after jan 19, 2012, when the montreal police arranged a meeting at a hotel in old montreal between parent, poletti, former police chief jacques duchesneau and a constable who had made a serious allegation about poletti in the past. the allegation involved condominiums poletti’s father purchased in italy in 1964. poletti said a montreal police constable filed a report claiming to have a criminal source who alleged that poletti himself, not his father, bought the condos with money he received from the mafia. according to poletti, the constable admitted, during the 2012 meeting, that he lied in his report under orders from a superior officer.“the sole purpose of that meeting was to clear things up,” poletti said. “nothing came of it. absolutely nothing.” up to that point, the allegation had already dogged poletti for years. he was removed from a few major investigations, including the aggravated assault of a defence lawyer, where the police were close to making arrests. to this day, he believes it was because high-ranking members of the police force, believed he could no longer investigate people tied to the montreal mafia. like di feo and cacchione, poletti was considered an expert on the mafia and for years had played key roles on countless investigations into organized crime. during his career poletti was called as an expert witness on organized crime during trials in florida and in italy.  “there’s an assumption (among some high-ranking montreal police officers) that italians can’t work the italians. but i tell them ‘listen the cops in italy aren’t polish.’ you have to understand their culture,” said poletti, who agrees with cacchione and di feo’s assertion that part of the smear campaign they suffered from involved their ability to get information from unsavoury characters. “anything that touched on italians, i was barred from. and when they take you away from investigations, they actually put you in danger. with organized crime (figures) they start to think ‘oh, he must be dirty then.’ “i grew up in ville émard. i went to school with guys from pointe-st-charles. i know them. i won’t take their picture from half-a-kilometre away. i will go up and talk to them. i took the direct approach. but assumptions were made. it is so sad.” “when i was (at the jan. 19, 2012 meeting with parent) i was relieved that the truth finally came out,” poletti said. “but after that the problems became even worse.” unlike di feo and cacchione, poletti continued to work until he took his retirement, as a lieutenant-detective in 2014. but he said he spent the last five years of his career feeling isolated and stressed. he was removed from a list of potential candidates to be promoted to the rank of commander and suffered a heart attack in 2010. “it was 10 years of living hell. it was disastrous. i was definitely isolated.”“i probably trusted the bad guys more than the police. my biggest battles were with the police,” poletti said of his final years with the montreal force. “this has got to stop. the young officers don’t deserve this.” 


paul cherry, montreal gazette
paul cherry, montreal gazette
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