one youth of eight teenage girls accused in a dec. 18 murder, who cannot be identified, stands before justice maria sirivar on a monitor with her lawyer daisy bygrave as bail conditions are set for her release on thursday, dec. 29, 2022. the other 7 youths made separate appearances via zoom in youth court on jarvis st.
sketch by pam davies
none of the girls can be identified under the youth criminal justice act.
toronto police allege three 13-year-olds, three 14-year-olds and two 16-year-olds swarmed and stabbed the 59-year-old man at a parkette near york st. and university ave. just after midnight on dec. 18.
lee later died in hospital.
police have said they believe the teens congregated after meeting on social media and are from homes across the gta.
the charges against them haven’t been tested in court
their latest appearance came a day after the victim’s family put out a strong statement criticizing the youth law that allows for bail and a publication ban on their identities.
“how is the act protecting the public if we don’t know who these perpetrators are and why they are released on bail?” wrote lee’s brother-in-law eric shum.
it’s easy to understand the family’s pain and fury. a man they loved has been taken in such a cruel, heartless fashion.
“just note that ken was a kind soul with a heart of gold,” the family wrote in the statement. “he was not in the system due to alcohol or drug abuse. he was a man with pride who had fallen and wanted to learn to stand up on his own knowing that he always had his family behind him.”