
ontario residents can now get updated covid-19 vaccine, flu shot

ontario residents can now get an updated covid-19 vacci...

ontario residents can now get an updated covid-19 vaccine as well as a flu shot. the province says both vaccines are available at participating pharmacies, public health units and doctors’ offices across the province, and it’s safe to get them at the same time.
it says anyone six months or older can get their next covid-19 shot if it’s been six months since their last dose or covid-19 infection.
the government says staying up to date on vaccines is the best way to stay healthy during respiratory illness season.
some health-care providers in ontario will also be offering free shots that can protect babies from respiratory syncytial virus starting next week.
the rsv immunization program for infants and high-risk children up to 24 months is set to begin nov. 4.

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