
opp investigate additional incidents of rocks thrown at vehicles in markham

ontario provincial police are probing additional incide...

ontario provincial police are probing additional incidents of rocks being deliberately thrown at moving vehicles in markham. the opp’s aurora detachment on friday said the latest incident happened on nov. 30 shortly before 11:30 p.m. officers were notified of a rock being thrown at the windshield of an occupied bus on hwy. 48 north of major mackenzie dr.
there were no injuries reported, however, a photo released by opp shows that potential disaster was averted. the image shows that the rock’s impact shattered the front windshield of the bus.
police believe the latest incident is tied to similar ones and that the same suspect was involved, believed to be someone in a light-coloured sport utility vehicle.
on sept. 20, opp in aurora received several reports of rocks being deliberately thrown at moving vehicles by a passing vehicle or person. one of these incidents resulted in a serious crash in which two people suffered life-threatening injuries.
police said one injured person has since been stabilized and is in recovery while the second victim remains in critical condition in hospital.
additional incidents were reported to the opp and york regional police.
in november, york cops identified nine reports of rocks being deliberately thrown at vehicles in their jurisdiction.
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and the aurora detachment of the opp has received 11 reports of rocks being intentionally thrown at vehicles along hwy. 48 since sept. 20, police said in mid-november.
anyone who has seen anything suspicious or has any information, dashcam or surveillance video that may assist the investigation, is asked to call the aurora opp at 1-888-310-1122 or email, or contact crime stoppers at 1-800-222-tips (8477) or online at

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