julia boudreau, who has left her position as renfrew victoria hospital president and ceo.rvh/the ottawa hospital. submitted photo
renfrew victoria hospital has appointed an interim president and ceo after its long-time leader, julia boudreau, stepped down. boudreau retired earlier this month after 33 years at renfrew victoria hospital, including as president and ceo since 2020. a recruitment process to replace her is underway. until then, pierre noel — the former head of pembroke regional hospital — will serve as interim ceo, according to a statement.
earlier this year, the ontario government appointed a supervisor to take over the hospital after “concerning financial practices” were uncovered during a review.
in a statement, that provincial supervisor, altaf stationwala, thanked boudreau for her service to the hospital, including leading the hospital through the covid-19 pandemic.
boudreau remained on the job for nearly six months after stationwala took over as appointed supervisor.
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he is expected to file a report next spring, according to the ministry of health.
the ottawa citizen has reported that the hospital offered interest-free loans to some employees and physicians — both of which are not allowed by the ministry of health, which provides most funding for patient care in hospitals.
the citizen has also reported that over a decade, the hospital quietly transferred millions of dollars to a not-for-profit organization, renfrew health, that had been created by some hospital leaders and board members.
current and past hospital officials have not responded to requests for comment, but in a fact sheet released earlier, the hospital said renfrew health was created in 2014 to improve health services in the community by supporting the operations of renfrew victoria hospital “advancing goals and objectives of the hospital and supporting the operations of people and entities that provide healthcare and social services in renfrew health’s catchment area.”
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