
siu investigating windsor police officer's use of anti-riot weapon

the province’s special investigations unit is looking i...

siu investigating windsor police officer's use of anti-riot weapon
a demonstration of the use of an arwen launcher by police in victoria. b.c. darren stone / victoria times-colonist
the province’s special investigations unit is looking into a windsor police officer’s use of a non-lethal launcher in an encounter with a man in distress on thursday. according to the siu, the officer discharged what is known as an anti-riot weapon enfield (arwen) — as gas-operated device that fires 37-millimetre rounds designed to subdue without causing serious harm.
although no one was seriously injured in the incident, the siu’s investigation is mandated because the siu classifies an arwen as a firearm.
according to the siu, the officer was attending a residence in the area of lauzon parkway and mchugh street around 2:45 p.m. in response to a call about a person in distress.
the subject was a 42-year-old male. he had what the siu describes as “a period of negotiations” with police, then opened the front door of the home.
at that point, an “interaction” occurred, and the officer fired the arwen at the man.
the man was struck by a non-lethal round, and was subsequently arrested without serious injury.
it’s not clear if the interaction under investigation by siu is related to the six-hour standoff on thursday between windsor police and a man in a house in the 1300 block of copperfield place — which is just north of mchugh street, east of lauzon parkway.
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the siu has assigned three investigators and a forensics specialist to the case.
the arwen launcher was first made for the british military in the early 1980s. since then, it has found a role in many law enforcement organizations around the world.
the weapon can be loaded with a wide variety of non-lethal ammunition, from canisters delivering a chemical irritant such as tear gas to foam impact batons.
the siu is an independent government agency that investigates police when there are incidents involving officers that result in death, serious injury, sexual assault, or discharge of a firearm at a person.
anyone with information about the incident in question — especially those with video or photo evidence — is encouraged to contact the siu at 1-800-787-8529 or


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