a social worker speaks to a resident at the 333 glengarry apartment building in windsor on nov. 14, 2024.
dan janisse
windsor star
windsor police officers partnered with family services windsor-essex and the canadian mental health association to establish a dedicated office space at the 333 glengarry ave. apartment complex.
police said 920 ouellette is also a source of frequent calls. but 75 per cent of those are for non-criminal issues such as well-being checks, ambulance assistance requests, and non-violent people in crisis.
the new initiative is aimed at equipping health and human services providers to appropriately respond to those situations at ouellette manor and freeing up police to respond to more urgent calls across the city.
an emergency response on june 29, 2024, at the ouellette manor apartments at 920 ouellette ave. saw police, fire and paramedics on the scene.
julie kotsis
windsor star
the problem-oriented-policing (pop) unit began clearing the way for community partners monday and tuesday with a “focused enforcement initiative” to deal with crime and disorder in the building.
police said officers executed two arrest warrants for charges of drug trafficking and assault.
next up will be a needs assessment in the building later this week with the nurse-police team, a partnership with windsor regional hospital, and the crisis response team, a partnership with hôtel-dieu grace healthcare.
windsor police said officers will continue to have a presence at 920 ouellette, and will enlist support from additional community partners starting in january.