
witnesses sought in deadly richmond hill crash

seven youths were inside the car when cops found it in a ditch and one has since died

investigators are looking for witnesses to a weekend crash in richmond hill involving a car loaded with young people — one of whom has since died.
york regional police say officers responded to the single-vehicle crash near bayview ave. and bethesda sideroad around 8:30 a.m. last saturday.
“when officers arrived, they located a black, two-door hatchback in the ditch,” const. lisa moskaluk said in a statement released wednesday. “there were seven youths in the vehicle at the time of the collision.”
multiple occupants were hurt and two of them suffered life-threatening injuries.
one of the victims has since passed away as a result of those injuries, moskaluk said.
“investigators are now appealing for any witnesses who may have seen the vehicle — a black, two-door hatchback — in the area at the time,” she said.
any witnesses who have not yet spoken to police, and anyone who may have dashcam footage of the area around the time of the crash, is urged to call police at 1-866-876-5423, ext. 7704, or crime stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-tips (8477).
chris doucette
chris doucette

chris doucette is an award-winning journalist and assistant city editor at the toronto sun. born and raised in toronto, he is a canadian armed forces veteran who has worked at the sun since graduating from print journalism at centennial college in 2002. he has spent much of his career covering crime in the city and abroad, but he also occasionally writes about the military, mma (mixed martial arts) and travel.

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