
hunter: liberals opt for 'don't worry' on violent sex offenders in women's prisons

in this country and in this particular year of 2024, up...

in this country and in this particular year of 2024, up is down, down is up and green is blue. understand?
that is so because the justice system declares it so. the governing liberals declare it so. academics and activists declare it so.
but the truth of the matter is, it just isn’t so.
so, why would you stake the lives of women and young children on the premise that nothing has happened — yet?
 tara desousa was just 17 when she was known as adam laboucan, above, and declared canada’s youngest dangerous offender. they raped and murdered a baby.
tara desousa was just 17 when she was known as adam laboucan, above, and declared canada’s youngest dangerous offender. they raped and murdered a baby.
conservative ethics critic frank caputo (kamloops-thompson-cariboo) is a former prosecutor who is outraged that two of this country’s most notorious monsters are within spitting distance of children.
“you can’t make this stuff up,” caputo told the toronto sun. “you have the most vulnerable surrounded by the most dangerous.”
the correctional service of canada’s mother and child program allows kids to live in the medium and minimum-security prisons with their moms. not a bad idea but … just who are the other prisoners?
 conservative mp and secu committee member frank caputo
conservative mp and secu committee member frank caputo parlvu
a violent trans pedophile and a child killer.
terri-lynn mcclintic – along with her boyfriend michael rafferty – kidnapped, raped and murdered tori stafford of woodstock and dumped her body near mount forest in 2009.
stafford was just eight years old.
in 1997, tara desousa (then adam laboucan) sexually assaulted a three-month-old baby who needed major reconstructive surgery. so sinister was the crime that desousa became the youngest dangerous offender in canadian history.
 tori stafford was just eight when she was murdered in woodstock.
tori stafford was just eight when she was murdered in woodstock. handout / facebook
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both are now ensconced in women’s prisons, just a spit away from vulnerable children.
“i don’t believe any sex offender, especially sex offenders against children, should be allowed near kids,” caputo said. “terri-lynne mcclintic lives in a jail townhouse. she is a stone’s throw from where children and their mothers reside.
“in the case of tara desousa, i walked from where she was standing in the fraser valley institute (bc) to the mothers and children’s area. it took me less than a minute. there is an adjoining playground next to that unit.”
 terri-lynne mcclintic, convicted in the death of 8-year-old woodstock, ont., girl victoria stafford, is escorted into court in kitchener, ont., on wednesday, september 12, 2012 for her trial in an assault on another inmate while in prison.
terri-lynne mcclintic, convicted in the death of 8-year-old woodstock, ont., girl victoria stafford, is escorted into court in kitchener, ont., on wednesday, september 12, 2012 for her trial in an assault on another inmate while in prison. the canadian press/ geoff robins
he added: “i don’t believe any sensible person would think this is a good idea. the fact that the liberal government is defending it shows how out of touch they are with common sense values.
“it’s a slap in the face to all victims of sexual violence and their families,” caputo said.
yet, the liberal minister of public safety dominic leblanc told the house of commons that “no child has ever been hurt” as a result of prison kids’ proximity to violent sex offenders.
that may well be true, but he wouldn’t really know, would he? and not only that, too often the justice system grabs dem bones and rolls the dice, hoping for the best – never ready for the worst.
both convicts have shown a spectacular propensity for gaming the system and with a government as gullible as this one, that can lead to tragedy.
 terri-lynne mcclintic, left, and michael rafferty are seen in mugshots released as evidence at the first-degree murder trial of rafferty in the death of 8-year-old victoria (tori) stafford of woodstock, ont.
terri-lynne mcclintic, left, and michael rafferty are seen in mugshots released as evidence at the first-degree murder trial of rafferty in the death of 8-year-old victoria (tori) stafford of woodstock, ont.
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remember when mcclintic told the suckers at csc that she was indigenous? that briefly landed the woodstock child killer in a cushy minimum security healing lodge.
there was a massive public outcry and she was returned to prison. it also emerged that mcclintic wasn’t actually indigenous.
desousa is a dangerous offender, convicted of one of the most heinous crimes known to man. instead of dropping the hammer, you paid for a sex-change operation (dd bogus breasts included), and now the rape-o is leading her best life.
what you and i think doesn’t matter.
“the csc has known about this for years. they’ve been warned. and yet, they don’t seem to give a damn,” caputo said.
brad hunter
brad hunter

brad hunter is national crime columnist for the toronto sun. previously he was a senior writer for the new york post. his stories have been published in dozens of newspapers and magazines around the world. hunter is also a frequent guest/contributor on radio, podcasts and true crime documentaries. he has written two books, ‘inside the mind of john wayne gacy: the real life killer clown’ and ‘cold blooded murder: shocking true stories of killers and psychopaths’. he lives in hamilton.

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