
why 'ideal' herd immunity for covid-19 is likely impossible — but attempting to get there still matters

it's much more practical — and possible — to aim for a level of immunity where people can lead normal lives without the interference of the virus, experts say

back in the early stages of the pandemic, when vaccines were still just a hopeful idea and variants of concern had yet to make an appearance, herd immunity was all the talk when it came to beating back covid-19.
most researchers, looking at the reproduction rate of the original virus strain, figured a community would need to see 60 to 70 per cent of its population immunized (either through vaccination or catching the virus) to starve covid-19 of new bodies to infect and effectively end the pandemic there.
but that figure seems quaint now. despite nearly three quarters of canada’s total population being vaccinated, covid-19 cases are on the rise again in many provinces, and alberta and saskatchewan are only just recovering from massive spikes that seriously threatened their healthcare systems.

although cases nationally in canada have dropped over the last month, dr. theresa tam, canada’s chief public health officer, told reporters on friday that the latest modelling shows the rate of decline slowing. “it’s not unexpected that we could see some bumps in the trajectory during the months ahead,” tam said.

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highly transmissible variants, breakthrough infections and waning vaccination immunity have changed the game substantially. many modelling experts now believe achieving an optimal level of herd immunity is no longer possible with covid-19 — or, to be more precise, they believe we need to start talking about herd immunity in a different way.
“there’s this kind of idealized herd immunity that, you know, we get enough people immunized, the virus dies a death and it’s gone,” said simon fraser university professor caroline colijn, who holds a canada 150 research chair in mathematics for evolution, infection and public health.
“we’re not going to get that for covid-19, we won’t get that idealized herd immunity,” colijn said. simply put, the vaccines aren’t perfect and the virus keeps mutating to spread more easily.
“but if i had to make a guess, or make a projection, i would say we are likely to get a kind of practical herd immunity, which is enough immunization in the population that we can reopen…that we can establish a mostly normal life,” she said. “maybe it’s a new normal in some sense, but it’s mostly normal social and economic activity without overwhelming our healthcare systems with covid.”
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jane heffernan, a york university professor specializing in disease modelling and mathematical epidemiology, concurred that herd immunity in the sense of eliminating the virus is likely off the table now.
“it’s really hard to achieve herd immunity,” she said. “we’ve only really been able to do that for one virus: smallpox.”
but she said aiming for a high level of immunity will still get us to a place where the virus isn’t dominating our lives.
“i think that there should be less stress on herd immunity, and more stress on just maintaining high levels of immunity that protect people,” heffernan said. “what we really want to strive for is a distribution of immunity in the population such that we’re minimizing healthcare demand. i really don’t think that it’s feasible for us to achieve resistance.”
mcmaster university professor david earn, an applied mathematician specializing in epidemiology, said herd immunity has traditionally just meant the level of immunity in a population, as opposed to the way it gets discussed in the media now with covid-19 as a method of eliminating the spread. from his perspective, the goal is pretty simple: get the immunization number as high as possible.



“the higher the degree of herd immunity, the better for everybody,” he said. “but is the the ideal level of herd immunity actually attainable? unfortunately, i don’t think it is anymore.”
(colijn, heffernan and earn have all been involved at the provincial and federal levels in working on modelling projections for public health officials and science advisory boards.)
speaking friday, tam said that due to the constantly shifting landscape and local factors, it’s extremely difficult to name a level of community immunization that would halt the virus’s spread.
“it’s not a straightforward question,” tam said. “as a ballpark, a virus that has a reproduction number of somewhere between five and six, which is what the delta variant might be in certain contexts, then you need to achieve at least 80 per cent of total population immunity. that’s not the eligible population over the age of 12, but 80 per cent of total population.”
health canada’s website currently shows a 73.96 per cent vaccination rate among canada’s total population. assuming vaccinations are approved for ages five to 11, as they are now in the united states, canada could soon get very close to that 80 per cent number, if not exceed it. but tam repeatedly cautioned that she was only giving an estimate, and it could still change in the future.



“it’s actually really difficult to just pinpoint a specific number, but you’re talking about that kind of ballpark with a virus that behaves somewhat like the delta virus,” she said. “so our recommendation is, and certainly my message is, really to just get it as high as possible.”

if there’s a general consensus that herd immunity will likely never get to the point where covid-19 disappears, that raises another question: how far away are we from the point where herd immunity is high enough that the virus is manageable with few public health restrictions?

“that’s a question that people are trying to work on now,” said heffernan. “there is a lot of discussion about that. and it depends on the generation of new variants of concern.”
colijn said that with the modelling work she’s done in b.c., she’s optimistic we’re not far off from a level of sustainable immunity that gets us back to relatively normal lives. but she said we’ll likely have to live with public health measures such as mask mandates for a while yet, and she would also like to see canada more fully embracing rapid testing as a ubiquitous screening tool.
“ultimately, we want to get to a point where whatever we’re still doing about covid, we find palatable in the long term,” she said. “and it may take more immunization, either through infection or through vaccination to get there, but i think that we will get there.”



there are other innovations that may allow us to keep the virus at manageable levels. we could, for example, eventually see a situation where the seasonal flu vaccine also includes a covid-19 booster.
pfizer, meanwhile, announced on friday that its antiviral pill shows very effective treatment of covid-19, reducing the risk of being hospitalized or dying by 89 per cent. assuming that holds up and the pill is approved in canada, it would be a powerful new weapon to contain the impact of the virus.
earn said that he is generally optimistic about where we’re heading. in the big picture, the vaccines are still extremely effective at preventing serious disease, and vaccination levels will likely rise substantially once ages five through 11 get approval. 
“i’m optimistic, but i’m a fairly optimistic person,” he said. “there are lots of ways things could still go badly. obviously, if there’s a new variant that evades the vaccines, that would be terrible. that would be many steps backwards. and unfortunately, that’s possible. but i’m hopeful that’s not going to happen, and we’ll just have to deal with it if it does. in the meantime, i’m hopeful that things will remain fairly stable. ”
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