
do side sleepers have a better chance at avoiding alzheimer's?

sleeping on your side increases the odds of a person av...

sleeping on your side increases the odds of a person avoiding alzheimer’s, research suggests. sleep expert narwan amini told the u.k. sun: “sleeping on your side has been found to be the most beneficial position for your brain, with the position helping your brain to clear out interstitial waste faster than other positions.
researchers at stony brook university found sleeping on your side is the most efficient at removing brain waste.
“this leads to multiple benefits including potentially reducing the risk of developing neurological diseases such as parkinson’s or alzheimer’s,” added amini.
sleeping on one’s side is also regarded as positive because it gives good support for your spine, while also minimizing acid reflux.
amini told the u.k. sun that sleeping on your stomach is the worst choice because it can lead to strained muscles and joints, and back and neck pain.
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