
teen wrestlers lined up for sex with cheerleader coach as hubby watched: lawsuit

while porn played on the big screen in the living room,...

while porn played on the big screen in the living room, a slew of teen wrestlers lined up to have sex with the school cheerleading coach — as her husband watched through a window. that’s just one of the bombshell allegations in an explosive lawsuit launched against an ohio school board, the school, its principal and the superintendent, according to the columbus dispatch.
the suit claims numerous principals at river valley high school, in bidwell, were aware of lurid allegations surrounding cheerleading coach michal paige huck, 45, and her wrestling coach hubby as early as 2004.
and they did nothing about it, the lawsuit filed by john doe charges.
paige huck was indicted three months ago on six counts of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor. she has pleaded not guilty but litigators and cops suspect there may be more victims.
 a new lawsuit claims cheerleading coach michal paige huck sexually entertained a high school boys wrestling team. paige huck/ facebook
a new lawsuit claims cheerleading coach michal paige huck sexually entertained a high school boys wrestling team. paige huck/ facebook
among the incidents contained in the allegations that stretch from 2004 to 2019 involving eight students:
— the hucks hosted co-ed sleepovers, parties and “lock-ins” at their home, and at one in 2004 paige huck “engaged in sexual intercourse with numerous male students” while her husband watched.
— the parties were co-ed with cheerleaders, and the wrestling and football teams.
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— several cheerleaders reported the carnal capers the next day and were blown off.
— a cheerleader, 16, said the couple laid next to her during one sleepover and the coach touched her inappropriately but her complaint was allegedly given short shrift.
— in 2005-06, paige huck engaged in sex with a teen wrestler with the trysts orchestrated by her husband. the boy said the sex began when he was 13 and continued for five years.
—  another former wrestler had sex with paige huck at least 40 times during high school, including sleepovers at the school and in the hucks’ van on the way back from a school-related convention with other kids in the vehicle.
— john doe claims that in 2016 when he was 17, he had his first sexual encounter with paige huck. it was a threesome also involving a 15-year-old student. she sent raunchy photos of herself to both boys and played 50 shades of grey for them.
 hubby: lawsuit claims matthew huck watched his ex-wife’s carnal capers. facebook
hubby: lawsuit claims matthew huck watched his ex-wife’s carnal capers. facebook
during the 2016 three-way sex, the coach allegedly texted his wife during the action, asking what she was doing.
the lawsuit alleges: “paige huck responded to coach huck via text and said that she was ‘f***ing one and s***ing the other,’ to which coach huck responded, ‘that’s hot. don’t get caught.'”
but paige huck had allegedly been warned about her scandalous behaviour in 2007 and forbidden from working at the school or being on the property. by 2014, the teaching temptress was back on campus before being booted again in 2016 over “deep concerns” about her carnal capers.
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the plaintiff claims that when he ended sexual contact, her husband lashed out and punched him in the face and once choked him out.
paige huck was permanently banned from the school in 2019.
the couple divorced in 2020. he remains the wrestling coach but has been placed on leave.
she has pleaded not guilty to the criminal charges and is expected to go to trial early in 2024.
the school district said in a statement: “it should be noted that this person is not an employee of the district and has not worked in the district since 2007. it is the district’s understanding that any allegations brought to the district’s attention in the past were reported to the proper authorities and handled appropriately.”
brad hunter
brad hunter

brad hunter is national crime columnist for the toronto sun. previously he was a senior writer for the new york post. his stories have been published in dozens of newspapers and magazines around the world. hunter is also a frequent guest/contributor on radio, podcasts and true crime documentaries. he has written two books, ‘inside the mind of john wayne gacy: the real life killer clown’ and ‘cold blooded murder: shocking true stories of killers and psychopaths’. he lives in hamilton.

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