dear asking for a friend,while i am totally down with wearing a mask, i am noticing that i am getting pimples and other irritation around where the mask rests on my face. i am wondering why this happening, and also what i can do to stop the breakouts?signed, hating mask pimples dear hating mask pimples,quarantine skin is nothing to brag about. improper diet, lack of sleep, irregular skin care routine and being stuck inside all day are to blame for those angry cystic breakouts so many of us are experiencing right now. and as if that wasn’t enough, there’s a new culprit in town. mandated across the country in public spaces and whenever social distancing is impossible, protective face masks are also doing a number on our skin. “maskne” — a new phrase that describes a breakout caused by a face mask — is real and, as long as we have to wear masks, it’s here to stay.“it’s sort of the perfect storm for acne — a bit extra sweat and humidity, mixed with one’s regular facial oil (sebum) and a bit of surface bacteria,” says
dr. renée a. beach, a board certified dermatologist in toronto. “the congestion of the mask, even if a lighter material like cotton, provides the last factor to promote acne — plugs of dead skin cell, oil and a bit of bacteria in our pores.”it’s clear that at the root of all breakouts is the buildup of dirt, dead skin cells and bacteria, but hormonal changes can also impact your skin. pay attention to your monthly menstrual cycle because the excess oil that’s triggered by the drop in estrogen and progesterone levels can clog your pores and lead to pimples.another potential trigger is what you clean your mask with. most people forget that laundry detergent can also bring on breakouts, so choose a non-scented option with clean ingredients whenever possible, and wash your cloth face mask regularly. also, don’t forget about mental health and the role it plays in keeping your mind calm and your skin clear. there’s a well-established link between stress and skin health, and a ton of
research to prove it.that said, it is possible to relieve “maskne” and get your skin to stop freaking out. beach recommends you avoid overuse and wear your face mask only when necessary. “you can give your skin a break and remove your mask while you’re driving alone, for example.”the other thing you’ll also need to do is commit to a skin care routine, like the one you might have had before lockdown. that means, washing your skin twice a day — in the morning and at night. dr. beach also recommends a hands-off approach to masks, which means once it’s on your face, refrain from further contact. you can inadvertently add more dirt and residue — not to mention potential germs — to your face just by compulsively readjusting your mask.
what are the triggers of breakouts?
we know that a lot of different triggers can compromise your skin, but could your breakouts be a sign of an allergic reaction? dr. beach says it’s unlikely. “that would be uncommon, but if a mask were scented or perfumed, or in a material that has a dye, it could develop.”like regular acne, there are plenty of over the counter products that can help provide relief. however, if you’ve done everything you can to minimize your breakouts and stubborn “maskne” is showing no signs of slowing down, it might be time to consult with a dermatologist.
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