
advice: reader tackles roommate's gross habit

nail clippings are gross, pandemic or not. fungus? never okay.

gross roommate needs to respect his shared space. stock/getty
dear asking for a friend:
i have been living with roommate for about a year. we were just getting to know each other before we had to start self-isolating. he is overall a pretty good guy and i enjoy having someone around — i am a pretty social gal, so it’s nice to have someone to talk to during the day. there’s just one thing that i never noticed before about him. he has some really gross and annoying habits. first, we only have one tv in the living room, and he picks his toe nails while he watches tv and leaves them in a pile on the coffee table. which i guess in itself isn’t that bad, except that he has nail fungus. and the nails smell. he’s a nice guy, and i don’t want to offend him, but i am done with it.

signed, grossed out in halifax

dear grossed out in halifax,
very few people like conflict (and we’re guessing you’re one of them), so if the idea of having a difficult conversation with your roommate makes you hide under your covers or resort to passive aggressive behaviour, we want you to know that it doesn’t have to be that way. the goal of a difficult conversation is not to lash out at your roommate, but rather to understand each other’s point of view and find a solution that works best for everyone. if you stay grounded, objective and in charge of your emotional energy, you’ll learn that you have more power than you think.



but first, let’s talk about nail fungus. yes, it’s gross and yes, it can be serious if left untreated. but what we’ve learned from the ontario podiatric medical association is that nail fungus is quite common. and while it typically affects an older generation, it can happen to anyone, and you can pretty much catch it anywhere. the telltale signs of nail fungus include discoloration, thickening of the nail, a soft, brittle texture and a nasty smell. a podiatrist would do an evaluation to determine the diagnosis as there are other conditions like psoriasis, certain medications and even injury that can make a nail appear fungal.

the good news is that nail fungus can be treated with oral and topical medications, and the appearance of the nail may improve with laser. it can also be prevented. common sense advice like keeping your feet clean and dry, avoiding walking around barefoot in public places, changing socks often and choosing the right footwear are just some of the things that can help keep feet healthy. and while nail fungus can be contagious, you won’t catch it from coffee table nail clippings.

“fungus likes warm, dark and moist, like the environment of a shoe,” says james hill, doctor of podiatric medicine (dpm) and president of the ontario podiatric medical association and the canadian podiatric medical association . “it is possible to catch it from somewhere, but to tie it to a roommate with nail clippings in an empty room is unlikely.”



phew, that’s a relief. okay, so now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s tackle the nail clippings. gross? absolutely. rude? yup. inconsiderate? for sure. after all, this is your space too. so how can we help you get him to just stop it. there’s no question this will be a tough talk, but who cares. the clippings are nail fungus! but before getting fired up, let’s take a step back.
when you are trying to resolve any personal conflict, it’s important to be respectful, objective and calm. start by asking your roommate why he feels the need to clip his nails in your shared space. maybe this was how he was raised — personal hygiene in the family living room may be normal to him. once he gets his chance to defend himself, share your point of view in a respectful way. be honest about how off-putting you find fungus-filled nail clippings lying where you put your wine glass at the end of the day, and offer some easy suggestions — perhaps he can do the clipping in the bathroom, or better yet, in his bedroom.
hopefully, this guy is reasonable and gets it — who wouldn’t? and if not, quarantine won’t last forever. your roommate might be a nice guy, but his newfound habit is definitely gross. don’t feel like you need to beat around the bush on this one. if the conversation goes nowhere, you may have to start looking for a new place. virtual apartment tours, anyone?



is there something about health that you (or a friend, wink, wink) have always wondered about, but are too embarrassed to ask? send a note to we promise your ‘friend’s’ secret – and identity –  is safe with us. next week, afaf helps a reader who really, really, really wants out if his relationship. he wants to know if it is okay to break up over text.


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