there are two other unknowns that will affect the province’s upward revision of the budget.
first is fifa’s determination of how many matches will be played here. initially, it promised vancouver five or six. but in mid-march, fifa announced the tournament would be expanded to 48 teams from 32 and 24 games would be added.
the second, filion said, depends on how much the federal government is willing to contribute plus “potential legacy and impact initiatives which include tourism marketing and first nation participation.”
to augment the games, fifa insists that for the 39-day duration of the world cup all host cities must hold festivals. at the venues, there must be big screens for people to watch live broadcasts of matches. when no games are being played, there is to be entertainment, local cultural performances, food and activities for both kids and adults.
one possible venue is the as-yet-unbuilt amphitheatre in hastings park. (also, has reported that the concord pacific site adjacent to b.c. place stadium was shown on the cover of a heavily redacted presentation that canada soccer made to the city).
vancouver council approved the 10,000-seat, hastings park amphitheatre in june 2021. that was before vancouver was in the running to be a world cup host, although it had indicated its interest in hosting the 2030 winter olympics.