
dumont: protecting green space within the city is your duty as a human being

today, we take the most important things of creator's touch for granted. not many of us sing praises for the waters of our country. nor do we acknowledge the sun's role in our wellbeing. and not enough of us honour the trees.

dumont: protecting green space within the city is your duty as a human being
love a tree today. ashley fraser / postmedia
have you ever wondered if a tree feels the weight of a bird singing on even its smallest branch? the tree does not object in any way to the presence of a bird who enters its circle of spiritual energy nor does it cringe at the song it sings there. let us always be mindful that the tree is as a pew of countless others in a grand cathedral (the world over) into which spirit is ever present.
the tree delights in the presence of the bird, so much so that it sends forth its own voice to rise and sing in harmony with that of one filled with similar purity and innocence as its own. the tree welcomes all birds and critters who come to rest or nest on its limbs. trees spiritually recognize that it is part of creator’s instructions for them to be accommodating and gracious when “all their relations” come to them in a good way.
trees are truly the most forgiving of all creator’s beings. human beings have felled trees, too often needlessly, and yet they return, growing again (if not paved over) to provide oxygen, shade, teachings, beauty — even into the lives of living entities, such as politicians and developers, who have no respect for them.
the trees of anishinabe algonquin territory have suffered greatly in the past. lumber barons acquired vast fortunes. a city was built! with industry and colonization, the “right” for a tree to live with purpose and then to die a natural death was infringed upon. the notion of reconciling with trees for the abuse they have endured for many generations should be considered by the people of faith today. why not? where would ottawa be without the sacrifice of trees?



imagine you, a citizen of ottawa, writing in your life’s journal about the actions you took to assure that a tree within perimeters of a city would be allowed to live and die a natural death. to tell of this to your future generations would be, i believe, one of the finest spiritual highlights in one’s life.
creator bestowed blessings and rights onto all things touched by a spiritual vision originating at a time long before human beings ever took their first steps upon the earth. among all the things blessed by creator, it’s the trees who stand out as beings who provide the most, bringing health and wellness so people could live and thrive on sacred mother earth. they are wise! they are forgiving! they are pure and oh, so very gracious! the moon and stars honour them. all things of the earth benefit from their presence.
human beings today take the most important things of creator’s touch for granted. not many of us sing praises for the waters of our country. the sun shines and produces energy and wellbeing for all life of the earth but not many of us acknowledge it. not enough of us honour the trees for their great contribution to the beauty, to the teachings, to their cleansing abilities. trees need to be present. if they disappear, we will perish.



the spiritual world calls upon the faith leaders to step forward and at long last defend the rights creator gave the trees to live long and with purpose. if a faith leader has any doubt on the position they should take regarding protecting trees, let them search their holy book for guidance. faith leaders should never be regarded by their followers as being in league with the insanity of corrupt politicians and devious developers. should such a day ever come to pass, we will be that much closer to being regarded by creator more as robots, than as human beings.
albert dumont, from kitigan zibi anishinabeg first nation, is the anglophone poet laureate of ottawa. he is an algonquin storyteller and spiritual guide.


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