the portion of hwy. 401 running through toronto is north america’s busiest and the bane of the city’s drivers. weekday or weekend, day or night, drivers can expect a slow commute.
ford has proposed building a tunnel below the highway to augment traffic flow. it’s an ambitious project that comes with considerable risk – just look at boston’s “big dig,” which suffered years of delays and billions in cost overruns. yet ford’s army of media critics have only admonished his idea instead of offering their own solutions to the city’s traffic woes.
ford is a lightning rod for canadian media, most of which has a liberal bias that perhaps explains why they’re more interested in tearing him down than proffering policies of their own. they offer criticism without any real solutions of their own, which reeks of partisanship and does little to further public discourse.
urban planners and left-wing commentators are fond of gaslighting canadians by pointing to bike-lane usage in cities such as beijing, paris and amsterdam, where temperatures rarely dip below freezing, and using the “if you build it, they will come” argument.
but the fact remains that canada does not have the bike culture of a country like china, and no matter how bad traffic gets, the prospect of riding a bicycle through the snow when it’s -20c outside will remain unappealing to most canadians.