prime minister justin trudeau’s carbon tax has become such a stink bomb to liberal fortunes everywhere that even ontario liberal leader bonnie crombie is now denouncing it. as she put it at a liberal fundraiser on tuesday night, as reported by the toronto star:
“i’m not here to tell the prime minister how to do his job. but i promise you, i will tell him when he’s wrong. like on the carbon tax.”
that was in response to months of ontario premier doug ford and the progressive conservatives labelling her as “the queen of the carbon tax” because, they said, of her previous support for it when she was a liberal mp, plus describing her “as one of the only provincial liberal leaders in canada who won’t speak out against the carbon tax.”
crombie had previously pledged not to introduce a provincial carbon tax if she becomes premier.
while taking her at her word, her problem in terms of credibility is the history of ontario and federal liberals saying one thing and doing another when it comes to carbon taxes.
during the 2014 ontario election that brought her predecessor as ontario liberal leader, kathleen wynne, to power, wynne said nothing about imposing a provincial carbon tax on ontarians.
shortly after her victory, she said she had no plans to introduce a carbon tax