an old wives’ tale says a person who glows while pregnant is going to have a boy child, while those who look like crap will probably have a girl … because a girl is stealing your beauty. i would like to have some words with those old wives who probably, now that i think about it, were fed that malarkey by their husbands.
you’ve got brand new stretch marks, spider veins, and your skin won’t stop itching. your concentration is shot. hair is growing in strange places and you’d love to take a break from waddling, but hemorrhoids make sitting your least favourite position.
your best bra doesn’t fit and neither do your shoes, let alone squeezing those cankles into a pair of boots. between your belly and the swelling, you probably won’t see your ankles for weeks anyway. if you have a child already, you can avoid the embarrassment of a pedicure by getting them to paint your nails. oh, they’re only two years old? fine, it won’t be perfect, but at least they’ll be occupied for a few minutes. don’t fall asleep, though.
finally, if you can’t muster a glow, try mustering a force field to fend off unwanted belly touches from neighbours and strangers. you got this.