
opinion: back to school has become a politicized mess

when it comes to getting kids safely back to school, the only thing everyone agrees on is that no one is happy

students at mayland heights school in calgary gather before the bell on sept. 1. gavin young/postmedia
you know there’s trouble afoot when even dr. bonnie henry, british columbia’s darling of covid-19 containment, comes in for harsh public criticism.

henry, whose performance in battling the coronavirus outbreak had her hailed as “one of the most effective public health officials in the world” in a laudatory new york times profile , came in for a rare savaging on social media after appearing in a government ad, speaking to a group of students in a classroom. the ad was attacked by union leaders, educators, opposition members and some parents for being misleading, given that actual classrooms will be more crowded and less distanced than depicted. henry also wasn’t wearing a mask and, besides, why was the government spending money on tv ads instead of using it to fight the virus?

henry said the spot was simply a chance for her to discuss the changes that parents and students could expect and wasn’t meant to reflect a working classroom. nonetheless, it demonstrated the near-hopeless situation provincial governments have faced as they seek to get kids back in the classroom, while satisfying the dizzying array of demands involved in the effort.
as schools get underway — some have already started, while others are set begin over the next couple weeks — canada’s provinces and territories have adopted approaches that have broadly similar characteristics, yet differ in significant detail from one jurisdiction to another. it’s the result of education being a provincial responsibility, meaning the 10 provinces and three territories were left to sort out the details for themselves, which inevitably produced a hodgepodge of approaches that appear to satisfy no one.
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after six months of young people being cooped up at home, every region wants to get as many back in school as possible, as safely as possible. b.c. has created “learning groups” of limited size in which students will be allowed to interact. ontario’s government resisted fierce lobbying from union leaders to sharply reduce class sizes but left a lot of leeway for local authorities to deal with local conditions. mask requirements vary from province to province. teachers have been given voluminous instruction documents that sometimes boggle comprehension. the only thing everyone agrees on is that no one is happy.
could it have been handled more adroitly? probably, given time, better information and a spirit of co-operation. unfortunately, little of that was in supply. ministers found themselves attempting to create solid plans in a context of unpredictable and constantly changing circumstances. no one could know how quickly the virus would abate, or how effectively it would be brought under control. everyone hoped schools would be able to reopen, but no one, not even the best experts, could be sure whether that would happen, and to what extent, so all plans had to include allowances for unforeseeable occurrences that, by their nature, could mean anything.
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they were required to do this while fighting the broader impact of the crisis — on long-term care homes, on health institutions, on thousands of businesses and millions of workers — armed with imprecise information against a virus that didn’t exist when any of them were elected. and they had to do so in the face of forces that were predisposed to challenge whatever preparations elected officials sought to put in place.
it’s understandable that parents would be nervous at the prospect of their children, after months in isolation, being put at greater risk of infection in schoolrooms where distancing and cleanliness would be problematic no matter how much effort was made. unfortunately, their fears were amplified as opposition critics, union bosses and third parties with agendas to pursue ramped-up discomfort with a barrage of complaints and demands.

ontario premier doug ford was reduced to pleading with union leaders for a bit of co-operation rather than harping about whatever measures were put in place. “why is it that the teachers unions … constantly want to attack?” he asked , noting the province had met their requests on a range of fronts but they continued to demand smaller classes, more teachers and additional spending from a government already labouring under swollen deficits inherited from the previous regime. “why don’t you be part of the solution rather than part of the problem?”



the unions, which have opposed every premier of all three parties over three decades, responded by banding together to file a labour board complaint claiming the reopening plan violates workplace safety laws. a cynic might suggest the move is an effort to ensure labour bosses can crow with vindication should anything go wrong when thousands of students return to class.

it’s a given that problems will arise. quebec students returned a week ago, only to have 80 high school students almost immediately isolated due to three confirmed covid-19 cases. no plan, no matter how cautious, can guarantee absolute safety against a global pandemic.
governments unquestionably could have done better. but their efforts would have been easier and likely more productive if education in this country hadn’t been turned into another front on the political battleground by special interests consumed by their own agendas — at the expense of the students and parents they are meant to serve.


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