i had already quit one bright and honest and pleasant specialist whose send-off was, “there’s always the surgeon, but i doubt that he will take you because you don’t react much to the medication.” then there was specialist x who promised, “we’ll find a solution,” and then dropped me because with my faltering faith i was clearly doctor-shopping.
of course, it isn’t all unpleasant within a specialty-boutique disease like parkinson’s. for instance, there are the exotic side effects of the medications: increase of libido and a desire to gamble. in my case, under prolopa, the gambling exhibited itself as a record-breaking decision to buy a used subaru in 20 minutes. as to effects libdinal, they’re unprintable.
eight years on, i supposedly have parkinson’s. how they know, i don’t know. you’ve heard of white-coat hypertension, when the blood pressure zooms in the presence of doctors, but you should only see my white-coat tremor and tremolo. how can they diagnose me behind all that blizzard of prestidigitating interference by my show-off hands? why, i’m a regular one-man dance troupe!
at any rate, my european cousins get told, presenting the very same symptoms i do, that they have something called familial tremor, a relative of epilepsy.