
peter mcknight: spread of omicron variant shows no one will be protected unless everyone is

opinion: “the more people who remain unvaccinated globally, the more opportunity the virus has to spread and evolve into potentially more dangerous variants, which increases the risk for everybody”

ask any child to describe how to treat people fairly and they will be able to tell you: it means one for me and one for you. unfortunately, though, many adults around the world still have trouble with the concept. currently, it appears to mean three for us, and none for you.
the “three” here refers to covid vaccine jabs, as canada and other wealthy countries roll out their booster shots while people in many low-income countries, especially in africa, are still waiting for their first.
which is not to say that we are ignoring africa. on the contrary, the continent has been on our minds ever since south africa reported the existence of the omicron variant of the sars-cov-2 coronavirus.
canada’s response to the news from south africa was as fast as it was foolish: in late november, it banned foreign nationals travelling from seven countries, all of them in africa — botswana, eswatini, lesotho, mozambique, namibia, south africa and zimbabwe.
now, imposing travel bans on south africa and other african countries is, as they say, like closing the barn doors after the horse has run away. and the “horse,” in this case, is already out of africa — it’s here, and might well have been here before it was identified in south africa. not to be deterred, after omicron’s presence was confirmed in canada, europe and asia, the feds went after africa again, this time banning travellers from egypt, malawi and nigeria.
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needless to say, those bans aren’t going to keep omicron in africa. in fact, like many such measures, travel bans often serve, at best, to penalize countries like south africa that have quality genomic surveillance programs. and at worst, travel bans serve as a disincentive for countries to share information about the virus with the rest of the world.

in defending the decision, chief public health officer dr. theresa tam emphasized that the affected countries have low vaccination rates. there is no arguing with that. according to the oxford university-based online publication our world in data , while most developed countries enjoy vaccination rates in excess of 70 per cent, less than one-quarter of people in the targeted countries have been fully vaccinated. and some african countries are struggling to reach the magic one-per-cent vaccination rate. or to put it more bluntly: three for us, and none for them.

these low vaccination rates do make africa a prime breeding ground for the virus. but keeping africans out of canada won’t solve that problem. the only thing that will solve it is vaccine equity: ensuring that vaccines are as available and accessible in africa as they are here. yet delivering and administering vaccines won’t be easy as long as travel bans remain in place.
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now to be sure, the concept of equity doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone should get the exact same thing at the exact same time — or in this case, that everyone be vaccinated simultaneously. rather, we must take into account risk factors and first vaccinate those at the greatest risk: health care workers, seniors, people with compromised immune systems and indigenous peoples. but that is, in fact, an argument in favour of getting vaccines to africa quickly given that many southern africans are immunocompromised due to high rates of hiv-infection.
certainly, canada has pledged significant support for equitable distribution of vaccines and has to some extent followed through on its commitments. among other health measures, canada has supported the covid-19 vaccines global access (covax) initiative, a program designed by the world health organization and its partners to ensure equitable access to vaccines.

yet while canada no doubt has the best of intentions, we know where the road paved with good intentions leads. according to a report by oxfam and its partners, by late october canada had delivered only 3.2 million — or about eight per cent — of the doses it promised to covax. that’s even worse than wealthy nations as a whole, which by that time had delivered about 261 million doses — 14 per cent — of the doses pledged.



pharmaceutical companies did no better, with covax receiving just 12 per cent of promised doses directly from the drugmakers, including a grand combined total of zero doses from moderna and johnson and johnson.
this continued inequitable distribution of vaccines led the world health organization to call for a moratorium on booster shots until the end of the year in an effort to achieve the who’s target of vaccinating 40 per cent of the population in all countries. given governments’ understandable interest in protecting their own populations, however, there’s little chance we’ll see any country handing its booster shots over to covax.

but make no mistake: as the spread of the latest variant ably demonstrates, no one will be protected unless everyone is. who director-general tedros adhanom ghebreyesus stated it this way : “the more people who remain unvaccinated globally, the more opportunity the virus has to spread and evolve into potentially more dangerous variants, which increases the risk for everybody.”

in effect, when it comes to infectious diseases, there’s little difference between selflessness and selfishness because helping others means helping yourself. or to put it another way: during a viral pandemic in a global village, there’s no you and me, no us and them anymore. there’s only us now.



peter mcknight’s column appears weekly in the vancouver sun. he can be reached at


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