
case study: woman’s spleen moves by a foot

the condition, known as wandering spleen, happens when the ligaments holding the organ in place become stretched out

wandering spleen moves nearly 1 foot in side woman's body
a michigan woman's spleen moved by about 30 cm inside her body. getty
each week we comb through science journals to explore a baffling medical issue.
if you find your mind is wandering more than it used to these days, just be glad your other organs aren’t following suit.
the same could not be said for a 36-year-old michigan woman who rushed to her local emergency room after experiencing severe abdominal pain. doctors quickly determined the source of the problem. her spleen — the organ responsible for filtering out unnecessary or foreign materials — had relocated from the upper left quadrant of her abdomen (above the stomach) to a new home a little down and to the right.

her case was documented in 2020 in the new england journal of medicine by alexander wester, a resident physician in internal medicine at michigan medicine, who was tasked with tracking down the elusive organ, according to live science . “it traveled approximately one foot [or 30 cm],” he said.

the condition, aptly known as “wandering spleen,” happens when the ligaments holding the organ in place become stretched out, allowing it to move around inside the abdomen. remarkably, the woman had undergone scans for liver cancer just two days earlier and her spleen was exactly where it should be. just one day later she was vomiting and dealing with abdominal pain as her spleen made its move to the opposite side of her body.



doctors suspect the ambling organ was the result of a progressive disease, known as primary sclerosing cholangitis, that can cause an inflammation of the bile ducts in the liver. this inflammation can lead to scarring, or cirrhosis, that restricts the flow of blood to the area. “much like a clogged pipe, this causes blood to back up, and one of the places it backs up is the spleen,” wester said. “over time, the spleen gets larger trying to accommodate all the extra blood.”
as the ligaments stretch out, the spleen gets a longer leash that allows it to venture out into new, unexplored territory. some people are born with genetic defects, such as weak or missing ligaments, that make this migration more likely. physical trauma and, in rare cases, pregnancy can also lead to less effective ligaments and more moving parts than one wants to see in their abdomen. if the condition goes untreated, splenic infarction — and worse — can result.
“there are blood vessels that travel near the spleen that can become twisted and cut off blood supply to the spleen,” wester said. “this can cause severe pain and even death if untreated.”

because a shifting spleen can also cause inflammation of the pancreas — the organ responsible for digestive enzymes and hormones — treatment usually involves removing the organ altogether. “you can live without an intact spleen, and most patients should get their spleen removed if they have this condition,” wester said.



that didn’t happen in this case because the woman was being considered for a liver transplant and doctors were concerned that complications from a splenectomy might reduce her chances of qualification. and, if her candidacy was successful, they felt it would make more sense to add the new organ at the same time they removed an old one.
while waiting for a splenectomy, the patient was prescribed “pain-control treatment and hydration” that eliminated her abdominal discomfort and vomiting.

dave yasvinski is a writer with

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