
watch: #howiemandel breaks tiktok with a photo of an anal prolapse

the america’s got talent judge took over tiktok last weekend by posting a photo of a severe anal prolapse — which aren't as rare as we'd like them to be.

howie mandel took over tiktok last weekend after posting a photo of a rather severe anal prolapse on the platform.

over the weekend, the america’s got talent judge posted a photo from behind a person in a crouched position, who he claimed to be his friend “neil.” their red shorts had ripped down the centre, with a red and pink mass protruding from the anal region.

“does somebody know, is this covid-related?” mandel asks in the video. “and if it is, what do we do about it?”
the video was taken down after a few hours and reportedly any videos posted that mention the photograph are also being removed. however, tiktok doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and many flocked to twitter to discuss what they had just seen.

“i’m on #tiktok less than 48 hours and #howiemandel has already made me regret it,” said kealan patrick burke .

“me after looking up why everyone keeps talking about #howiemandel,” wrote spencer williams , including a video of will byers crying from stranger things.

not all anal prolapses are as bad as the one howie mandel posted

although the video horrified much of tiktok, and the rest of the internet in general, not all prolapses are considered medical emergencies, according to webmd .



the term “prolapse” simply refers to something falling out of position and can occur to many organs in the abdomen, including the bladder, vagina, urethra and rectum, according to health link bc .

in an anal prolapse, also referred to as a rectal prolapse , the rectum — the lowest part of the colon — drops out of place and can push through the anal opening. typically these conditions start gradually, only appearing after a bowel movement. over time, the muscles supporting the rectum may continue to weaken, causing it to drop permanently. in severe cases, surgery will be required to reposition the colon.

what causes an anal prolapse?

as they age, women are at a far greater risk of developing various types of type prolapses including rectal and other pelvic organs. other risks factors for an anal prolapse include chronic constipation or diarrhea, laxative abuse, aging and stroke.

children under the age of four are also at risk of developing a prolapse, according to a study from the children’s hospital of michigan . in its review of 158 patients diagnosed with the condition, the most common cause was constipation and straining, with 22 per cent requiring surgical correction.

often, in the case of a prolapse , further tests have to be conducted to determine the root cause of the problem. in mild cases, the prolapse can simply be pushed back into place by a doctor, however, with more severe or repeat prolapses, surgery may be required.



experiencing a prolapse can also have an impact on mental health

as with many other conditions that concern taboo parts of the body, experiencing a prolapse can cause anxiety, embarrassment and other forms of mental distress.

shame and embarrassment have also been noted as significant barriers to receiving medical care, according to a paper published in medical humanities , leading a person to attempt to conceal or downplay their condition — which can be dangerous when medical intervention is required.

shame may also cause someone to hide the diagnosis from friends and family, which can cut them off from emotional support after experiencing a medical emergency.
“the anticipation of painful exposure, along with the fear of the judgment that it might incur, can lead individuals to avoid seeking medical attention or from accurately narrating or disclosing symptoms or histories even when they are concerned about serious symptoms,” the study authors wrote.

emma jones is a multimedia editor with healthing. you can reach her at or on instagram and twitter @jonesyjourn .

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