
#askalyson: covid is sparking playdate tensions

how can parents navigate other parents — and their kids — around physical distancing rules?

#askalyson: covid is sparking playdate tensions
navigating covid-19 between families is often a point of conflict.
in a monthly advice column for, toronto-based parenting expert alyson schafer answers your most pressing questions.
dear #askalyson,
i am wondering if you can comment on what parents should be doing about kids and reopening. it’s hard to “bubble” when you have three kids who have different friends, whose parents you may not socialize with, for example. and how can we teach our kids about risk without scaring them? how are other parents managing this?
signed, getting tired of playdate tensions
dear getting tired of playdate tensions,
after months of sheltering in place, the world is slowly starting to open up again. parents want to jump for joy having been confined for months on end, wondering if our kids brains are rotting from too much youtube and feeling 10 pounds heavier from all that sourdough bread. but newfound freedoms are not bringing the much anticipated relief we had hoped. in fact, reopening some of the schools, day camps, and socially distanced playdates has actually punctured our sacred safe bubble and is stirring up a whole different set of challenges for parents as we release the proverbial horses from the barn.
when the rule was simple and concise — “everybody stay at home” ( except essential workers) — there was a universal understanding of the protocol. people listened. conditions improved. it was as simple as the rules of playing “go fish” with a three year old.



but in the process of reopening, understanding the variability of the rules is starting to feel more like a complicated game of bridge, and if you and your partner don’t play your hands right it could mean life or death to some.
people are trying to figure out how come you can go to a day camp, but not to overnight camp? why are schools open in rural quebec, but not montreal? if you can go to a golf course, why can’t you go to a swimming pool? it’s okay to get the dog groomed, but you can’t get your own hair cut?
of course, there are many considerations that are involved in making the decision to open up certain activities, but it is far more difficult to convey the complexity of how those decisions were made to the public. and it’s just that much more challenging for parents trying to get their child or teenager to understand and comply. as people start interpreting risk for themselves, and fatigue wears down our vigilance, problems start cropping up.
the first issue is between parents themselves. tensions are growing in neighbourhoods as various households enforce or relax the rules at different rates. some parents are merging bubbles with friends and neighbours beyond the current recommendations of the health authorities. that puts the more compliant families in a tough position. while they are being judged as being uptight or paranoid, relaxed families feel they are being demonized.



while we do want everyone to comply so that we can fight the pandemic — casting aspersions is not helpful. we need to be kind to one another more than ever before if we are to survive this crisis as a world community. many people have had to make tough decisions that we may not understand on first flush.   i know of one family who were on holiday together during march break when the pandemic forced them to return home to canada and quarantine together. after 14 days together, they decided to continue together without contact with others outside their group of nine people. from an outsider not knowing the back story, they would appear reckless having a picnic together at a park. we cannot judge until we know.
one mother prohibits her son from playing socially distanced games in the cul-de-sac with the other children whose parents do allow it. they don’t know that she has lupus, and her son isn’t the best with his impulse control when he is excited. she doesn’t have to share her personal medical history and reasons for her decisions with the public to justify her decision. we cannot judge until we know.
each family needs to discuss with their children what is, and isn’t, allowed in their own family regarding social distancing and social contact. explain that others are making different decisions and interpreting risk differently than you, but as a parent it is your job to keep the family safe the best way you know how. we don’t have to judge others’ choices, but simply state that on important topics such as the health and safety of our loved ones, that you are working to implement best practices as stated by the authorities.



it has always been a better course of action to gain the cooperation of our children, rather than forcing their compliance. we can do this better if our leadership style is both firm and friendly. we can answer their questions, listen to the input and discuss agreements about the family rules. this applies as much to covid social distancing rules as much as any other family rule, like tech time and shared responsibilities around chores.
we can discuss together with our children the consequences of not adhering to the agreements. for younger children this is easier. a simple consequence for them would be to state that if you can’t socialize without staying a distance, you’ll have to stay at home and try again later. if you can’t listen and follow the teacher’s request to stay at your desk and walk within the taped lines, you shouldn’t be allowed in a classroom with others.
many parents, faced with their own fear of losing control of their children’s behaviour, turn to more punitive discipline tactics, but punishments are more likely to lead children to either rebel, or if they are more the devious type, sneak around your control.
this is especially true for our teens. they are hurting to hang out with their friends again. compounding their desire to be with peers, teen brains biologically make different assessments when it comes to weighing risks versus gains. we see this in all kinds of risk-taking behaviours in this age group. parents are fearful their teens have a cavalier attitude about the virus, believing they are not in a high risk group, and worry they are breaking rules to hang out together. images on social media of large gatherings on beaches over the long weekend or during the recent riots is only giving them more fuel to believe that other people are gathering, so why shouldn’t they?



as parents, our best course of action is not punishment, but rather to appeal to them through compassion for their loneliness, and then share our reasoning and sensibilities for why the rules are important. it’s is more effective to sway their attitudes and opinions about the risk factors of spreading the virus by leveraging the strength of your good relationship with them. when the relationship is healthy, teens don’t want to let their parents down. if you respect them and treat them with respect, they are more likely to listen to the good sense of their parents, because they trust you to be giving them good council. they appreciate our good character. they want to earn your respect with good decision making.
when we are controlling or show our lack of trust for them to conduct themselves well, we are more likely to see rebellious, non-compliant behaviours when they venture outside of our supervision.
let’s remember that for some of our youngsters, the risk assessment leans in the opposite direction. children and youth can suffer great anxiety about contracting or spreading the virus. as parents, we have to help them reduce their fears as the world opens up. parents should normalize their feelings of anxiety, while assuring them that they are safe if they follow the protocols. remind them you would never place them in danger. ask them specifically what they are worried about, and see if you can help them solve how they would handle these situations. for example, if they are worried about someone getting too close, you can teach them to speak up and say “excuse me — that’s too close”. if they think someone is not following the social distancing rules, they can tell a nearby adult.  anxiety can only be managed by small baby steps as they build up their courage. be patient. this may take some time. we do have to challenge them to face some of their fear, but never to create more fear than they can manage. they should never feel panic. professional help may be required for some.



parents have a tough role in managing the matters in their family. we are all doing our best. we are not going to get it right all the time. be kind and compassionate to yourself on this journey too.
alyson schafer is one of canada’s leading parenting experts. she can be reached at or on twitter @alysonschafer.


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