dear alyson, my seven-year-old son hates taking medicine. it’s a nightmare whenever he gets sick. i don’t want to traumatize him by forcing him, but what else can i do to encourage him to be more co-operative and just take the meds without the tears and fighting?
worried dad
dear worried dad,
thanks for the question! i am sure my advice to you will also help many others, especially as we are heading into the winter season. lots of kiddies will be dealing with runny noses, colds, flu, respiratory infections and more.
it’s common for kids (and adults!) to not like taking medicine. this can be for a host of reasons. some just plain taste terrible! swallowing pills can trigger a gag reflex, while other kids plainly don’t like the idea of eating something that is not food. of course, no one enjoys getting a needle!
so, what is a parent to do? thankfully we have a bunch of strategies to deploy here that can make the administration of medicine go more smoothly. pediatric doctors and nurses have these mastered!
make it fun. just like parents pretend the spoon is an airplane to get kids to eat squash, try to keep the tone light and fun and playful. i know that is hard when you are feeling worried and fearful that you’re not going to get that medicine in, but becoming stressed and terse will only make matters worse. turn anything into a silly moment or game and you will have more engagement and co-operation from kids.