
back-to-school health tips for parents: setting the stage for a healthy and successful school year

by encouraging healthy habits for the school year, you can help set your child up for success now and for the rest of their lives.

summer might have pushed bedtime back an hour or two, but now that the back-to-school routine is about to be restored, getting your children onto a sleep schedule conducive to 2022年世界杯名单猜测 is vital. getty images
it’s that time of year again—back to school for the kids. while many parents are rushing around to get everything they need to send their kids back prepared to learn, it’s essential to take time out to give their overall health some attention. after all, the more relaxed routines of summer tend to change drastically when september rolls in.
some notable areas of focus you can tap into to ensure your child stays healthy throughout the school year can help significantly, not only while they’re in a classroom but also by building healthy habits for the rest of their lives.

make nutrition fun

getting children on board with eating healthy can be challenging, especially if you have a picky eater. however, there are ways around picky eaters and children who don’t like the taste of anything green.
for example, you can sneak many good vegetables into various home-cooked meals without them even noticing. recipes for different types of bread or other fun snacks can include zucchini or carrots, and your child may not even notice the difference.
if you want to go straight for gold, you can also make eating their vegetables fun by turning mealtime into a game or rewarding them. for example, you can establish a point system that tallies up all the vegetables they eat throughout the week, giving more points to those that are more nutrient-dense. once they reach a certain level, they will be awarded one extra hour of screen time, a raise on their allowance, or any other fun reward you can think of.



you can also approach it from a healthy learning standpoint and explain what nutrients are in each vegetable, highlighting what they do for the body. for example, carrots contain beta-carotene that converts into vitamin a in the body. this nutrient is important for eye health. by teaching your child that eating carrots will keep their eyes strong, they may have a stronger desire to finish what’s on their plate.
by making eating healthier foods fun, you can get even the pickiest of eaters on board.

encourage two hobbies

both physical and mental wellness are vital, especially during the developmental years. to encourage positive routines in both, you can sit down with your child and ask them to choose two hobbies for the school year: one physical to keep them active and the other to foster cognitive development.
some great physical options include sports, dance, biking, hiking, gymnastics, or various exercise routines, such as yoga, pilates, or jogging.
for the cognitive aspect, they can choose from various activities, including chess, playing a musical instrument, puzzling, learning a second language, painting and other arts and crafts, or reading.
giving your child the choice of two hobbies will make them more inclined to stick with them throughout the year while allowing them to learn how to make decisions that are good for their overall physical and mental well-being.

ensure sleep is a priority



summer might have pushed bedtime back an hour or two, but now that the back-to-school routine is about to be restored, getting your children onto a sleep schedule conducive to 2022年世界杯名单猜测 is vital. since children need roughly eight to 10 hours of sleep per night, you’ll want to focus your nighttime routine on ensuring there is enough time to get them ready for bed and sleeping early enough.
that means reducing the use of digital devices before bed and stopping screen time for at least an hour before they should be sleeping. the blue light from the screen can make it difficult for people to fall asleep, even children, so taking a break for an hour before bedtime is a great way to foster good sleep hygiene.
you can also help them establish their own nighttime routine, which is theirs and theirs alone. this will teach them the importance of autonomy and establishing a good sleep schedule. they can pick and choose what calming activities they engage in.
nighttime routines for children can include having a warm bath, getting into comfortable pyjamas, brushing their teeth, listening to calming music or reading a book, and preparing their outfits for the following day.

know the back-to-school health risks



going back to school poses health risks, both physical and mental. some of the most common back-to-school injuries or illnesses include:
  • head, neck, and shoulder pain from heavy backpacks
  • colds and flu
  • skin infections, such as impetigo
  • lice
  • pink eye
  • cuts, bruises, or fractures from playing during recess
  • strep throat
while you can’t avoid these altogether, you can be prepared for them by establishing an open line of communication with your family physician in case anything comes up, stocking your medicine cabinet with the proper over-the-counter remedies, and encouraging good hand-washing techniques while they are in school and out of your sights.
other health risks revolve around their mental state. heightened stress levels from studies or negative interactions with other students can severely affect a child’s overall well-being. always be on the lookout for early signs of anxiety, depression, or high levels of stress in your child so that you can offer help as soon as possible. some signs to look out include:
  • wanting to stay home from school even if they’re feeling well
  • changes in their eating or sleeping patterns
  • losing interest or withdrawing from family, friends, or hobbies
  • increased irritability
  • regressing into behaviours they engaged in when they were younger
  • poor concentration or memory
  • taking on adult roles
  • feeling physical symptoms without any evidence of a physical ailment, such as shortness of breath, muscle weakness, stomach aches, dizziness, or headaches
  • an increase in tiredness
  • acting out or increased aggression
  • negative self-talk



these signs may not all appear at once, but if you notice any in your child that are different or new, it’s essential to pay attention. this will allow you to help them early on by discussing the hard stuff together as a family, speaking to teachers and other parents, or seeking professional help through counselling services.

be a partner in wellness

general health and wellness are crucial for anyone, but they are especially important for children while they’re developing. that’s why you need to act as a partner in their wellness. this means starting conversations that engage your child in sharing any negative things they’re going through or physical ailments they’re experiencing.
you can also do this by keeping a watchful eye on their studies and academic success without pressuring them to perform, speaking to their teachers regularly to see how they’re doing in school with both lessons and other students, and addressing issues head-on without judgment or anger.
encouraging good lifestyle practices and health in your child is crucial for the school year and the rest of their lives.
angelica bottaro
angelica bottaro

angelica bottaro is the lead editor at, and has been content writing for over a decade, specializing in all things health. her goal as a health journalist is to bring awareness and information to people that they can use as an additional tool toward their own optimal health.

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