every parent worries about the impact of their kids’ growing up online. of course, as parents, we need to protect our children and teach them how to manage in this new digital world because tech is not going away.
the best approach is education. now, if you have a typical teen, you know how much they like learning from one of their parent’s many “talks.” ummm – like, not at all! so, how can we approach this more effectively in a way that is likely to get processed and understood by our youth? here are some ideas that will help you talk to your teens about their digital well-being:
i can’t overstate how much your digital well-being models a healthy relationship and life balance to your ever-observing children. without saying a single word, you are teaching your children so much about how tech is integrated into your life. so, if you are the distracted parent who can’t put the phone down, stops to take pictures of everything, and plays games on your phone instead of starting a conversation while waiting in line, don’t expect your children to behave any differently.
start young
early adolescence starts at nine years old. children still usually listen and accept their parents’ ideas at this age with minimal push-back. if children have grown up with the idea that tech must be used responsibly and that it has been consistently enforced and supervised, they understand your parenting role and responsibility to ensure their well-being as they mature, too.
discussions, not lectures