
suicide risk and prevention tools for older adults

the senior years aren't always filled with happiness, but there are strategies and resources to help you feel better.

health problems, losing loved ones or independence can be difficult and painful, and lead to feelings of hopelessness. getty

aging has its ups and downs. for some people, the senior years are the best of their lives. for others, the changes in getting older might be stressful. health problems, losing loved ones or independence can be difficult and painful. these may lead to feelings of hopelessness. in some cases, having many stresses at once can lead to thoughts of suicide.

tools and resources

download or print the brochure about suicide prevention for older adults for information about symptoms and what you can do right now to start feeling better.

available in english, french, punjabi, traditional chinese and simplified chinese

you can download a printer-friendly version of this brochure (available in english only).


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