“the symptoms typically continue to progress and become more bothersome over time,” says dr. schoffer. “and because a lot of health-care professionals aren’t familiar with this condition, the diagnosis can be quite delayed.”
david is certainly proof of this. she brushed her symptoms off for years before experiencing a series of fruitless referrals and misdiagnoses. “i was diagnosed with scoliosis at one point, and my doctor and i dug deep into arthritis at another point,” she says. “i spent two years seeing a rheumatologist who kept saying, ‘there’s something going on here, but i’m not sure what.’ it was a long journey.”
it took david landing in the er with an intense headache — and a failed treatment plan for migraines — before her doctor referred her to a movement disorder neurologist. within an hour, she had an answer to her nearly two decades of suffering.
“because a lot of health-care professionals aren’t familiar with this condition, the diagnosis can be quite delayed,” says neurologist dr. kerrie schoffer. supplied
it’s estimated that 50,000 patients in canada suffer from dystonia, with 60 percent (30,000) suffering from cd. cd is often confused with other conditions and can sometimes be misdiagnosed as stiff neck, arthritis or wry neck.
to complicate matters, there’s no test to confirm a cd diagnosis, and in most cases assorted laboratory tests are normal. despite these challenges, diagnosis is often straightforward once patients are finally seen by a neurologist who’s familiar with the condition.