the team is focused on the patient journey which spans the lifetime of a person with a chronic disease. they work to find meaningful support in the time after diagnosis, when patients learn about their condition and understand the options available to them.
it continues through educating physicians, providing specialists with industry-leading knowledge in a given disease state; and it follows through to access, to support people with navigating those available options.
when patients seek help from physicians, they hope to be treated by that standard of care. increasingly, these standards are shaped with patients participating in the decision making.
“after a diagnosis, patients must manage a multitude of issues getting the medicine they need,” says alison shore. “the path to treatment can be complex and stressful.”
improving standards of care in immunology
identifying solutions to improve the many different standards of care requires collaboration. this wrap-around approach helps to ensure patients receive the best, most-informed care available to them.
one example of this collaboration can be found in gastroenterology, where patients so greatly need effective management of their conditions to improve quality of life.