
for this alberta mom of six, real-time glucose levels give her confidence in managing diabetes

diagnosed with type 2 diabetes after having her fourth child, marisa cardinal struggled to make time for regular finger pricks. then she tried a cgm and took control of her condition

for this alberta mom, real-time glucose levels give her confidence
marisa cardinal is one of the approximately 50 per cent of women that develop type 2 diabetes after experiencing gestational diabetes during pregnancy. supplied
marisa cardinal, an alberta mother of six, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 17 years ago after the birth of her fourth child. she had gestational diabetes during previous pregnancies, but her glucose levels had always returned to normal post-partum.  cardinal is one of the approximately 50 per cent of women that develop type 2 diabetes after experiencing gestational diabetes during pregnancy. 
having several members in her family with diabetes, cardinal was familiar with what could lie ahead for her. “initially, i had all the negative preconceptions of living with diabetes. i had family members who have had complications associated with diabetes, such as heart disease and kidney failure.  
“there was a lot of self-blame for my diagnosis. all of these things were going through my mind like, ‘why couldn’t i have prevented this? i should’ve known better.’”  
knowing that this condition was going to be with cardinal for the rest of her life was not something she was ready to acknowledge. “i was in denial for a few years, and it took some time to finally accept my diagnosis,” she notes. “it took a few years of maturing in my health journey before i actually started taking control of my diagnosis.” 
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when she had gestational diabetes during her pregnancies, cardinal was pricking her finger regularly to check her glucose levels; but outside of her pregnancies, with many daily demands on her, there was little time for regular finger-pricking.  
“when i wasn’t pregnant, i never really checked my glucose levels,” says cardinal. “i was so busy and did not have time to check my levels before and after meals every day. i would only check if i was feeling unwell or thought i was hitting a low.” 
it was when cardinal attended a diabetes conference in 2022 that she discovered a wearable, technological solution that would allow her to better manage her diabetes. “they had a dexcom continuous glucose monitor (cgm) on display,” she recalls, “and i was curious to try it.” 
cardinal’s initial experience with a cgm led her to upgrade to the dexcom g7, the latest continuous glucose monitoring system available from dexcom. “i love my dexcom g7. i have such a busy life and i’m always on the go, so i appreciate the convenience and how easy it is to use,” says cardinal, who needs to take insulin to manage her diabetes.
“seeing my numbers in real time is very empowering to me. you’re not just going to the doctor twice a year to get glucose level readings,” she says, referring to the a1c test, which provides an infrequent measure of how well someone’s diabetes is managed. 
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cgm devices use a small sensor inserted just below the skin which measures interstitial glucose levels 24/7. unlike finger pricks* — which can be painful and inconvenient — the glucose data that people get from a cgm offers more than just a snapshot. 
the technology provides real-time information and can issue an alert when the user’s glucose levels are heading out of range, so users like cardinal can take action. it also shows trends over time, like the most recent 14, 30 or 60 days, so the user knows how they’ve been doing and can see if there are any patterns they need to address.  
“i’m much less concerned now than i was prior to using a cgm, because anytime i’m going to hit a high or a low reading, it gives me an alert,” says cardinal, who adds that her family members can follow her glucose readings remotely through the dexcom follow app†, and can be made aware if there are any concerns. 
another attractive feature is that the dexcom g7 is compatible with various devices, explains cardinal. “i can literally pick up my phone and look at my numbers, which also come to my smartwatch‡,” says cardinal. “i think if you’re wanting to be on top of your diabetes management, it’s just a great tool all around.” 
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as cardinal goes through her daily activities wearing her cgm on her stomach, she says that it provides her with self-assurance that she is making the right choices about what to eat and when to eat. “it gives me that confidence to know what my body’s doing, to know if i’m doing a good job or i’m lacking in a certain area,” explains cardinal. “for instance, it helps me see if i need to eat something before i go to the gym.” 
 cardinal uses the information her dexcom cgm provides to make the best possible diabetes management choices in the moment. supplied
cardinal uses the information her dexcom cgm provides to make the best possible diabetes management choices in the moment. supplied
the connectivity features of the dexcom g7 also help health-care professionals, like maha saadé, a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator, stay connected to their patients and take an individualized approach to diabetes management plans. 
“i tell my patients that a cgm is their gps to guide them through their decision-making to optimally manage glucose levels with minimal downfall,” says saadé. “in a world where we want to find a one-size-fits-all approach, cgm technologies show us how different we all are and how important it is to focus on what works for us personally.” 
for cardinal, her health journey has progressed to where she feels in control of her type 2 diabetes and is using all the information that her dexcom cgm provides to make the best possible diabetes management choices in the moment.  
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“it took such a long time to get here, but i’m very proactive now with my management,” says cardinal. “i know what’s going on with my glucose levels in real-time, and don’t have any doubt about what actions to take.” 
if you have diabetes and take insulin, talk to your doctor and visit to request a free sample and give the dexcom g7 a try. 
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this story was created by content works, postmedia’s commercial content division, on behalf of dexcom
* if your glucose alerts and readings from the g7 do not match symptoms or expectations, use a blood glucose meter to make diabetes treatment decisions. 
† following requires the dexcom follow app and an internet connection. followers should always confirm readings on the dexcom g7 app before making treatment decisions. 
‡ smart device sold separately. for a list of compatible devices, visit  


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