
taking this simple step today can help protect your kids from ear infections, colds and sore throats this fall

montreal mom of three catherine ladouceur went looking for an effective way to prevent recurrent respiratory tract infections after seeing her kids suffer due to ear infections

what to do now to help protect your kids from ear infections this fall
“my kids get sick at least four or five times a year — definitely twice in the fall,” says ladouceur, who is a mom of nine-year-old twin boys and a three-year-old daughter. carine perras
during the last weeks of summer, when the days are still long and the weather warm, the season of respiratory tract infections (rtis) and ear infections can seem a long way off. however, before you know it, kids will return to school, spending more time indoors where germs can spread. for catherine ladouceur, autumn always signals a return to her children coming down with infection after infection. “my kids get sick at least four or five times a year — definitely twice in the fall,” says the montreal mom of nine-year-old twin boys and a three-year-old daughter.
when one of her children is under the weather, it impacts ladouceur’s whole family. “it’s very stressful,” she says. “getting sick leads to missing school and daycare, since we don’t want to transmit the infection to anyone else. with multiple kids, it can get really tough if they get sick one after the other, since we only have a limited number of days off.” along with staying home from school, she says, it’s heartbreaking to see the kids miss out on all the activities they love.
in addition to the stress it places on her household, ladouceur says it’s hard to watch her kids suffer due to an ear infection or having difficulty sleeping because a sore throat is keeping them up. “as a parent, you just want to find a way to ensure your kids don’t have to suffer from an ear infection over and over,” she says.
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so, when ladouceur went looking for an effective way to help tackle her kids’ recurrent rtis and ear infections, she was excited to discover helixia® kids natural defense™.
what attracted ladouceur to helixia kids natural defense was its unique ability to help prevent and reduce the frequency of recurrent upper respiratory tract infections in children, such as common colds, sore throats (pharyngotonsillitis and laryngitis), and ear infections (otitis).
“what’s great about this product is that it’s preventive, rather than reactive,” says sherry torkos, a pharmacist and author based in the niagara region of ontario. “in the run-up to back-to-school, giving your child helixia kids natural defense daily is a smart way to help prevent rtis, because it’s optimal for your child to have been given this consistently before they are exposed to germs.
“and, especially for little kids, once they start going back to school and spend more time indoors in close contact with other children, it’s inevitable they’ll bring germs home. then everybody gets sick.”
 sherry torkos is a holistic pharmacist and author based in ontario. sherry torkos
sherry torkos is a holistic pharmacist and author based in ontario. sherry torkos
the active ingredient in helixia kids natural defense is naturally sourced from oyster mushrooms. the extract, called pleuran, is a beta-glucan known to prevent and reduce the recurrence of rtis1.
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along with the clinically proven ingredients in helixia kids natural defense, ladouceur was pleased to discover what isn’t included. the syrup is alcohol-free, dye-free, gluten-free and contains no artificial sweeteners or flavours. torkos points out that some children are sensitive to the dyes that can be included in children’s over-the-counter medications. “as a mom and a pharmacist,” she says, “i’m always keen on avoiding anything that can trigger a reaction.”
to test the effects in her own household, ladouceur initially incorporated helixia kids natural defense into one of her twin’s morning routines, but not into the other’s. “the whole family was sick less often,” she recalls. “and i noticed that during their few colds and fevers, the child taking helixia kids natural defense had fewer symptoms than his brother.”
today, ladouceur integrates helixia kids natural defense into all her kids’ routines. “i keep it in the fridge and give them each a daily dose in the morning, while i’m preparing breakfast or making lunches.”
torkos agrees it’s easy to make helixia kids natural defense part of your morning schedule. and starting now helps you avoid having to add another to-do list item when your family is adjusting to new fall routines. she suggests parents think of the product as one part of an overall wellness approach to returning to school.
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“you’re going to take this step to help protect against colds, sore throats and ear infections, and maybe you’re also adding vitamin c or a multivitamin as well.”
torkos regards helixia kids natural defense as insurance for your child’s future health. “this is an investment, not only in your child’s wellness, but also your family’s. because when kids get sick, parents typically get sick — resulting in one or more missed workdays. and you can’t isolate your child, especially young kids.
“they need you more when they’re sick; they want to be comforted and cuddled. and you want to be there for them.”
don’t wait until the fall to start preparing for rti season. visit to get a coupon for $10 off helixia kids natural defense.
1. reference: grau, j. sapena, l. picó sirvent, m. morera inglés et m. rivero urgell. 2015. “betaglucans from pleurotus ostreatus for prevention of recurrent respiratory tract infections,” acta pediatrica espanola, vol. 73(8), p. 186 -193.
this product may not be right for your child. always read and follow the label.  helixia® kids natural defense™ is a registered trademark owned by norwell consumer healthcare inc.
this story was created by content works, healthing’s commercial content division, on behalf of helixia kids natural defense.


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