
tennis star camila giorgi asked about covid-19 vaccination certificate: family doc

giorgi is in the midst of an investigation for allegedly receiving falsified vaccination proof documentation

the family doctor of italian tennis star camila giorgi claims the athlete asked him about getting a fake covid-19 vaccination certificate.

daniela grillone told italian publication corriere del veneto that neither giorgi nor her family have actually received the covid vaccine jab.

the doctor said 31-year-old giorgi initially suffered from “so-called tennis elbow.”
then last summer, she allegedly asked the doctor about getting false documentation for all mandatory vaccines, which included covid.

“i can confirm with absolute certainty that none of the vaccines against the giorgi family have actually been administered,” grillone said, per yahoo! news australia .

giorgi is in the midst of an investigation for allegedly receiving falsified vaccination proof documentation. the doctor herself isn’t free of controversy, after being arrested last february for allegedly giving fake serum shots, reported, something grillone said she deeply regrets.

in a statement to, the women’s tennis association said it’s aware of the allegations against giorgi and is “currently monitoring the situation and any investigations that may be brought forward.”



giorgi is currently ranked 66th in the world and previously competed at last year’s u.s open and australian open, which required proof of vaccination in order to compete.
the italian player is slated for this year’s australian open set to begin jan. 16. travellers no longer need to provide proof of vaccination to enter australia.
eddie chau
eddie chau

eddie chau is a web editor at toronto sun. born and raised in toronto, chau was previously a multimedia journalist with the welland tribune, managing editor at dunnville chronicle, and sports editor at simcoe reformer. chau has been a web editor with toronto sun and canoe since 2016. he holds a bachelor of journalism from ryerson university, graduating in 2004.

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