
instead of resolutions, try 'intentions' in 2021

as you think about resolutions for the new year, an 'i will' rather than an 'i won't' may be all it will take to succeed.

2020 not the year for resolutions
thinking of resolutions for the new year? pay attention to how you phrase them. getty
what a year it has been.
who could have guessed as we raised a glass to 2020 last december 31, joyfully spouting our plans for more exercise and less fries, that by march, most self-improvement resolutions would fall by the wayside in a pandemic-induced fog of anxiety and stress.

it’s perhaps one of the biggest paradoxes of 2020: here we are, spending more time at home than ever, with space in our days to finally get to emptying that overflowing drawer, dust off that treadmill, and learn how to knit, yet, we are barely doing any of these things. in fact, we are drinking more than ever before, our mental health stinks and working from the couch is killing our bodies .

so as we look forward to a hopefully much-better 2021, will this be the year for making resolutions to keep? has a year of incredible negativity made us more intent on fulfilling some long-held dreams? and more importantly, has being witness to the daily global devastation of lives made us cast our resolution-making-net further than material things like self-improvement and career growth to what we have missed — our social circles and emotional connections? or, are we going to just skip it?
per carlbring, a professor of psychology at sweden’s stockholm university, thinks that resolutions are actually very much on people’s minds, especially when it comes to reestablishing what has been taken away during the pandemic — namely social contact.



“i think many goals will be around connecting with people: relatives, friends and colleagues that the pandemic has reduced the contact with,” he says. “my own resolution for 2021 is to talk to a new person every day; working from home has made me a bit socially isolated.”
while reconnecting with social networks will be fairly easy once covid-19 is safely in the past, other resolutions may prove to be more difficult, like weight loss, getting more sleep and drinking less. but carlbring has some thoughts on how to increase the chances of success — and it’s all about how you say it.

he recently co-authored the largest world study on what it takes to make new year’s resolutions stick.

the report took a look at the new year’s resolutions of just over 1,000 people set in late 2017  — the most common of which had to do with physical health, weight loss and eating habits. the researchers found that less than half (47 per cent) of the participants who used “quit” or “avoid” goals considered themselves successful by the end of 2018. as for those who used “start to” goals, almost 60 per cent claimed success.
“beginning something is easier than stopping something,” he says, “since starting something gives the person a better instruction of what to do.”



for example, if your goal is to cut down on eating sugary foods to lose weight, carlbring suggests using the phrase, ‘i will eat fruit several times a day’ instead of focusing on avoiding the unhealthy foods. “you then replace sweets with something healthier, which probably means you will lose weight and also keep your resolution,” he says.
carlbring says this “approach goal” — a resolution that involves adopting a new habit in your life — tends to be more successful than those that involve avoiding or quitting something, which are called”avoidance goals.”
“you cannot erase a behaviour,” he explains. “but you can replace it with something else.”
and while you may think that it’s a bit of a stretch to think that simple semantics has the power to help us fulfill our resolutions — after all, we can all use a little help from our friends when it comes to finishing that last burpee — carlbring found that whether or not someone had support actually didn’t really matter a whole lot.
the study grouped the participants into three categories with different levels of external support to achieve their resolutions. one group had no support and had to strive to achieve their resolutions on their own and the people in the second group were given basic information about making and keeping resolutions and were told to name a specific person who would help them achieve their resolution throughout the year. the final group was treated like the second, and also told how to make smart goals (roughly the acronym for “specific, measurable, achievable, realistic/relevant and time-framed”) and encouraged to set interim goals throughout the year.



“it was found that the support given to the participants did not make much of a difference when it came down to how well participants kept their resolutions throughout the year,” carlbring said. “what surprised us were the results on how to phrase your resolution.”
stephanie kersta agrees with the importance of positive wording when it comes to phrasing resolutions. “it is often easier to add behaviours in, and create positive habits and a positive outlook when we focus on things we can add into our life rather than subtract,” she says.

kersta, co-owner of toronto meditation studio hoame has a master’s degree in psychology and is a registered psychotherapist. she prefers the term “intentions” rather than “resolutions.”

“resolutions can often be harsh, like ‘i need to work out every day’ or ‘i have to lose 20 pounds,’” she says. “an intention is more compassion driven and therefore more likely to be successful. for example: ‘i will treat my body kindly this year.’”

she also encourages visualizing yourself living out your intentions.

“watch yourself achieving your goal, and feel the emotions that will come up from achieving it,” she says, pointing to a well-known 1958 paper on basketball players that found that mentally practising one-handed free throws improved their skills almost as much as physically practising the throw.



be kind to yourself
it’s also important to remember that faltering is okay.

carlbring reminds enthusiastic resolution-makers that forming good habits take time — 66 days  to be exact.

“one should be kind to oneself and also expect relapses and problems along the way,” he says. “creating a new habit takes time. if you can keep at it for about two months, you have come a long way.”
kersta agrees this isn’t the time to be hard on ourselves.
“we have to remember this was a tough year for many, so focus on bringing compassion and kindness to yourself and on healing and restoration, rather than restriction,” she says. and if things are feeling overwhelming and out of control, get back to the basics.
“get enough sleep, get some deep cleansing breaths into your day, and add in some light walks to support your mental health. to us, that’s a win.”

galadriel watson is a freelance writer, children’s book author and comics artist. 

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