dear asking for a friend, i have had dandruff or mild psoriasis on my head most of my life. i have tried everything from tar shampoos to specific dandruff shampoos and which seem to work for a while and then they stop. my daily routine includes having a shower, wetting my hair and then using a lice comb to comb out the dead skin. is that the best i can do? i am also wondering if tar shampoos are safe, if there is one shampoo that’s better over another, and how often should i be washing?
signed, tired of the flakes
dear tired of the flakes,
those dry flakes accumulating in your hair and falling onto your shoulders can be more than annoying. not only is there the embarrassment of brushing them out of your hair and off your shoulders, but there’s the constant itch that often comes along with the flakes.
dandruff, which is basically flakes of skin, is usually harmless and
affects about one in five canadians. and one of the biggest challenges of treating it is figuring out the triggers, says dermatologist dr. andrei metelitsa, co-director of
beacon dermatology in calgary and a clinical associate professor at the university of calgary.
“most people hope that if they eliminate something from their diet, or if they use some kind of simple treatment, then it goes away,” he says, adding that there isn’t always a trigger. “but unfortunately, as it is with many chronic conditions, the best that we can do is to mitigate the symptoms and lessen how visible it is.”