why do cats rub their faces on surfaces?
they’re scent-marking (depositing pheromones,) which helps them to feel safe. so we shouldn’t wash their bedding all at once but leave something that still smells of them, so they feel more safe and secure.
cats like to groom themselves, but do they need to be brushed?
long-haired cats need to be brushed because they can get matted, so it’s good to get them used to it as a kitten. when they’re older there may be parts of their body they can’t reach very well, like the trousers on the back legs. it also helps if you brush in short strokes and gradually work up.
what’s the best way to train a cat?
in small amounts, a few minutes at a time, either once a day or several times a day and build up. give them lots of really good treats to teach them to enjoy it. cats aren’t typically used to taking treats from a hand so they may get ‘bitey.’ it might be easier to put the treat on the floor, on a spoon or use those squeeze tubes of wet treats or bits of tuna or chicken they can lick from.
should reinforcement methods only be positive?
we don’t have as much research on training methods for cats as for dogs. for dogs, extensive research shows using aversive methods risks [the dog developing] fear, anxiety, aggression and a worse relationship with their owner. there’s no reason to think it would be different for cats.