
west nile virus: human cases seen in gta, southwest ontario

symptoms can be severe or mild, with some people not even realizing they've been infected.

west nile virus in ontario
west nile virus can spread to humans via mosquitos. getty
it may be officially autumn, but health officials are reminding ontario residents to stay vigilant about mosquitos as residents in lambton county and the gta have been infected with west nile virus.

on wednesday, lambton public health, located in the southwestern part of the province, announced a lab-confirmed human case of the virus, the first in the county so far this year.

officials in toronto and markham also found cases of the mosquito-spread virus in residents in august. as of september 19, public health ontario says there have been 33 reported (confirmed or probable) human cases in the province.

west nile is not just an ontario problem, though the province did record canada’s first ever case of the virus in 2002.  more than 4,000 people in north america became ill that year, which infection prevention control canada calls “the largest outbreak of west nile virus infection ever recorded.” the health organization says every province, expect prince edward island and newfoundland, have reported cases in humans.

the virus is spread by mosquitoes and researchers think it likely occurs when a mosquito bites an infected bird and then bites a person.
symptoms can be severe or mild, with some people not even realizing they’ve been infected. signs of the virus include:
  • abdominal pain
  • fever, headache, and sore throat
  • lack of appetite
  • muscle aches
  • nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
  • rash
  • swollen lymph nodes



more severe forms of disease are called west nile encephalitis or west nile meningitis. these symptoms need prompt medical attention:
  • confusion or change in ability to think clearly
  • loss of consciousness or coma
  • muscle weakness
  • stiff neck
  • weakness of one arm or leg
risk factors for developing a more severe form of the virus include pregnancy, old or very young age and conditions that weaken the immune system, such as hiv/aids and recent chemotherapy. adam health notes that human infections are most likely to occur in august and september.
though nights may be getting colder, mosquito season doesn’t end until a hard frost.

to protect yourself from mosquitoes, remove standing water on your property, drain or cover swimming pools, wear light-coloured long-sleeved shirts, long pants and socks when outside and use insect repellant. if you find dead birds, you can report them to wildlife officials here .

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