a little boy’s struggles with bullying is shedding a light on the harsh realities many children with disabilities face when being bullied.on wednesday, an australian mother took to facebook to advocate against bullying as her son, nine year-old quaden, begged to die after years of abuse over his dwarfism.within hours, t
he video went viral all over the world as people sent love and friendship to a child dealing with unbearable pain. the video is focused on quaden as he tells the camera sobbing, “ i want to die right now,” and at one point says, “i want someone to kill me, get it out of me.” in another heartbreaking moment, he begs for a knife or rope to kill himself.in the video, quaden’s mother yarrak bayles says that her son’s struggles with abuse had been kept private for many years, but she was at her breaking point. she begged for parents and teachers to take charge to educate their children on the dangers of bullying-specifically on children with disabilities.while quaden’s story has a happy ending, this video shows the reality of what bullying does to children-and shows that those with disabilities are some of the most at risk.
disability credit canada says that the world has an “issue of epidemic proportions” for youth with disabilities being bullied.
a 2019 study by the children and young people with disability australia (cyda) found that 48.2 per cent of students with disabilities experienced bullying in the past year, with 9.1 per cent who said that school staff had been the bullies.“the overarching message we have from the survey is that there is severe abuse and neglect of students with disability in school,” mary sayers, the cyda chief executive told guardian australia at the time.children with disabilities
are two to three times more likely to be bullied than their non-disabled peers, partly due to the lack of peer support.
stopbullying says that children with special needs may have difficulty getting around school, communicating and understanding social interactions or may show signs of vulnerability and emotional distress. these challenges are what they say can make them be perceived as different and increase their risk of aggression from their peers.these feelings of isolation can lead to several social and emotional risks.
according to canchild, children who are bullied face a greater chance of feeling depressed, anxious, being lonely or having low self esteem. it can also lead to headaches, problems sleeping, impact their learning and in the most extreme cases — suicidal thoughts or actions.countries around the world-including canada, have long vowed to make bullying prevention a priority in children’s health in schools and communities. education about what bullying is and how peers can intervene (and seek help from adults) are important.more than that, educating students about the nature of disabilities has been found to decrease bullying in schools, and could very well help other children understand the impact of their actions.