dear alyson, my daughter is heading off to university in nyc. i am so excited for her but truth be told, i am dying inside. i don’t know the city, i don’t know if she is safe, and beyond all that, i am losing someone who has been my best friend. any advice?
sad mom
dear sad mom,
how fortunate you are to have such a wonderful relationship with your daughter! i am sure you will have a big hole to fill when she leaves. she is launching into the next phase of her life and you have been a big part of setting her up for reaching her goals. it’s ok to have mixed feelings; excitement, pride and grief … grief for the end of an era that really brought you so much meaning and joy.
its okay to feel sad your child is moving out
it’s also ok to lean into your sad grief feelings for a time. our emotions provide us information. they reflect our values. i am guessing values of family, closeness, intimacy and caring are important to you. those values won’t change. you may need to find new ways to exercise them as she transitions to an adult with different priorities.
as parents, we face a philosophical bind, knowing that if we did our good parenting job, then the proof is in raising an adult who will leave our nest of protection and spread their wings and grow to their full potential with new relationships and priorities for themselves.