#askalyson: my spouse and i differ over covid rules
it can be difficult when a couple disagrees on rules for their children, but the key to reaching a resolution is to put relationships first.
speak the truth . it’s important that we don’t lie or deceive children. when a child later discovers that they have been lied to, even if the motivation was to protect them from hurting or sadness, it still feels like betrayal. being deceived, duped, or discovering a family secret actually creates more psychological destabilization than any truth could.
be age appropriate. children of different ages have different cognitive abilities, but that doesn’t define whether or not you are truthful, it just means you can be more vague and general. parents should act as a screen or filter for information. for little children, we need to have a very tight filter with little information getting through, while ensuring it is still accurate and factual. as children get older, the filter can widen and allow more information and specifics to be passed on.
ask them to share what they have heard. when children repeat what they think they hear, it gives you an important opportunity to check what they have understood. even if you are really clear and accurate, young children can misunderstand. i am reminded of a story about a boy who offered to donate one of his kidneys to his brother, and when it came time for the organ transplant he started saying his goodbyes. he didn’t understand that he had two kidneys and could live with one — he thought he was giving up his life for his brother.