‘focus on the tooth and the person’: the movement for trauma-informed dentistry
to many, anesthetizing children for simple procedures is a shortcut that doesn’t help them in the long run.
genetics play a 'significant' role in risk of psychiatric disorders
changes in brain cells during early life are associated with the early onset of developmental delays, autism, adhd, but also conditions that typically come later in life, such as bipolar disorder and major depression.
a robot offers hope for cerebral palsy patients
griffin shales is an extremely social and animated youngster, and when he's at cheo, he likes to go on walks in the hallways and introduce himself.
after a pregnancy that had been without issues of any kind, griffin was born at 26 weeks — more than a dozen weeks premature.
one such complication not uncommon in such early births is cerebral palsy, but griffin's symptoms were not as glaring as are often seen in cp babies, and so doctors held off on an official diagnosis, instead adopting a wait-and-see attitude.
an early-intervention program at cheo saw griffin getting some treatment at nine months, but it wasn't until he was a year-and-a-half old that the motor-skills milestones he was missing made it clear that he had cerebral palsy. for a while, griffin had two weekly hour-long therapy sessions at cheo — one for physiotherapy, and one for occupational therapy.
it's putting technology in the hands of the people who need it most.